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  • Sourtoe Cocktail 加國獨產「臭腳調酒」臭名遠播 擄獲十萬人

    Sourtoe Cocktail 加國獨產「臭腳調酒」臭名遠播 擄獲十萬人

  • Kale 羽衣甘藍全身都是寶 但有兩種人不適合吃

    Kale 羽衣甘藍全身都是寶 但有兩種人不適合吃

  • Alcohol 喝蜂蜜水、咖啡能解酒嗎?

    Alcohol 喝蜂蜜水、咖啡能解酒嗎?

  • Prunes 西梅除了是便秘剋星 研究亦發現可改善骨礦物質密度

    Prunes 西梅除了是便秘剋星 研究亦發現可改善骨礦物質密度

  • Coffee 頭痛喝杯咖啡就能緩解?長久可能越喝越痛!

    Coffee 頭痛喝杯咖啡就能緩解?長久可能越喝越痛!

  • Teeth damage 喝碳酸飲料當水喝?小心患上「可樂牙」

    Teeth damage 喝碳酸飲料當水喝?小心患上「可樂牙」

  • Food 民間流傳的食物相剋中毒組合 真相看你錯幾個?

    Food 民間流傳的食物相剋中毒組合 真相看你錯幾個?

  • Water bottle 樽裝水空瓶可當作水壺重複使用嗎?

    Water bottle 樽裝水空瓶可當作水壺重複使用嗎?

  • Pineapple 一顆要價 US$400 的鳳梨 你會買嗎?

    Pineapple 一顆要價 US$400 的鳳梨 你會買嗎?

  • Rice bran oil 煮婦新寵兒 - 米糠油 | 發煙點高 無香味可保留食物風味

    Rice bran oil 煮婦新寵兒 - 米糠油 | 發煙點高 無香味可保留食物風味

  • Fish Oil 吃魚油保護心臟?新研究大逆轉:健康者吃魚油反提高患病風險

    Fish Oil 吃魚油保護心臟?新研究大逆轉:健康者吃魚油反提高患病風險

  • Breakfast 早餐吃甚麼麵包最健康?

    Breakfast 早餐吃甚麼麵包最健康?

  • Bread 麵包吃不完 放冰箱最能保鮮?錯

    Bread 麵包吃不完 放冰箱最能保鮮?錯

  • Asparagus 抗癌之王 蘆筍

    Asparagus 抗癌之王 蘆筍

  • Iron 不吃紅肉也能補充鐵質 6 類素食高鐵食物

    Iron 不吃紅肉也能補充鐵質 6 類素食高鐵食物

  • Fruits 5 種水果讓你越吃越瘦

    Fruits 5 種水果讓你越吃越瘦

  • Ginger 嫩薑、老薑、薑母有何不同?

    Ginger 嫩薑、老薑、薑母有何不同?

  • Chayote sprouts 佛手瓜幼芽龍鬚菜營養高 可降血糖和改善脂肪肝

    Chayote sprouts 佛手瓜幼芽龍鬚菜營養高 可降血糖和改善脂肪肝

  • Imitation crab 沒有螃蟹的蟹肉棒是用甚麼做成的?

    Imitation crab 沒有螃蟹的蟹肉棒是用甚麼做成的?

  • Beta-Carotene β-胡蘿蔔素好處多 這些食材炒過更營養

    Beta-Carotene β-胡蘿蔔素好處多 這些食材炒過更營養

  • Red Beans 7 大紅豆的神奇效果讓你更年輕

    Red Beans 7 大紅豆的神奇效果讓你更年輕

  • Tissue bread 韓國紙巾麵包 一層層撕開 薄到透光超可口

    Tissue bread 韓國紙巾麵包 一層層撕開 薄到透光超可口

  • Constipation 蔬菜和水果皆有助排便 但功能大不同

    Constipation 蔬菜和水果皆有助排便 但功能大不同

  • Shin Ramyun 日版辛辣麵比韓版辛辣麵更大更多配料

    Shin Ramyun 日版辛辣麵比韓版辛辣麵更大更多配料

  • Pistachio 多吃開心果 可以讓你更開心 更健康

    Pistachio 多吃開心果 可以讓你更開心 更健康

  • Guava 芭樂籽可以吃下肚嗎?會讓你便祕還是助你排便?

    Guava 芭樂籽可以吃下肚嗎?會讓你便祕還是助你排便?

  • Peppers 青椒 黃椒 紅椒 橙椒 原來都是同一種椒

    Peppers 青椒 黃椒 紅椒 橙椒 原來都是同一種椒

  • Nuts 錯吃堅果可能讓身體大發炎

    Nuts 錯吃堅果可能讓身體大發炎

  • Tomato 3 個小撇步 你也可以成為切番茄的高手!

    Tomato 3 個小撇步 你也可以成為切番茄的高手!

  • Boiled shrimp 煮白灼蝦應該冷水下鍋 還是滾水下鍋?兩者皆錯!

    Boiled shrimp 煮白灼蝦應該冷水下鍋 還是滾水下鍋?兩者皆錯!

  • 【譚太食譜】幸福喜團圓 Black sesame sweet rice balls

    【譚太食譜】幸福喜團圓 Black sesame sweet rice balls

  • Cake 蛋糕要怎麼切成 3、5、7 塊等較難切的塊數?

    Cake 蛋糕要怎麼切成 3、5、7 塊等較難切的塊數?

  • 【譚太食譜】生財大圓蹄 Double boil pork leg

    【譚太食譜】生財大圓蹄 Double boil pork leg

  • Ketchup 番茄醬要放冰箱嗎?有水分離出來是否壞掉了?

    Ketchup 番茄醬要放冰箱嗎?有水分離出來是否壞掉了?

  • Unhealthy Foods 美國心臟科醫生警告:這些零食最好少吃!

    Unhealthy Foods 美國心臟科醫生警告:這些零食最好少吃!

  • 【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised oysters with pork belly

    【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised oysters with pork belly

  • Chinese food 盤點以「龍」為名的賀年美食!「龍虎鬥」是甚麼菜?

    Chinese food 盤點以「龍」為名的賀年美食!「龍虎鬥」是甚麼菜?

  • 【譚太食譜】五福臨門 Stir fry pork belly with vegetables

    【譚太食譜】五福臨門 Stir fry pork belly with vegetables

  • Cockroach Milk「蟑螂奶」將成為未來超級食物新寵 | 味似蜂蜜冰淇淋

    Cockroach Milk「蟑螂奶」將成為未來超級食物新寵 | 味似蜂蜜冰淇淋

  • 【譚太食譜】冰糖蓮花糕 Lotus root dessert cake

    【譚太食譜】冰糖蓮花糕 Lotus root dessert cake

  • 【譚太食譜】枝竹羊肉煲 Lamb stew with bean curd sheet

    【譚太食譜】枝竹羊肉煲 Lamb stew with bean curd sheet

  • 【譚太食譜】花膠竹生煲 Braised fish maw with bamboo fungus

    【譚太食譜】花膠竹生煲 Braised fish maw with bamboo fungus

  • Steamed apple 把蘋果蒸一蒸 能降低膽固醇 暖身助消化

    Steamed apple 把蘋果蒸一蒸 能降低膽固醇 暖身助消化

  • Poon Choi 營養師:吃盤菜不要吃菜 | 如何才吃得更健康?

    Poon Choi 營養師:吃盤菜不要吃菜 | 如何才吃得更健康?

  • 【譚太食譜】蒸臘味糯米飯 Steam glutinous rice

    【譚太食譜】蒸臘味糯米飯 Steam glutinous rice

  • Steam Egg Pudding 未必一定要用水蒸 微波爐也可做到嫩滑的蒸水蛋

    Steam Egg Pudding 未必一定要用水蒸 微波爐也可做到嫩滑的蒸水蛋

  • 【譚太食譜】健康曲奇 Healthy cookie

    【譚太食譜】健康曲奇 Healthy cookie

  • Tofu 豆腐減肥怎樣吃有才效?多吃豆製品會得乳癌?

    Tofu 豆腐減肥怎樣吃有才效?多吃豆製品會得乳癌?

  • 【譚太食譜】芝士焗火雞粒 Baked turkey with cheese

    【譚太食譜】芝士焗火雞粒 Baked turkey with cheese

  • 【譚太食譜】原煲滑雞臘腸飯 Steam rice with chicken and sausage

    【譚太食譜】原煲滑雞臘腸飯 Steam rice with chicken and sausage

  • Hot pot 甚麼火湯湯底最高熱量?

    Hot pot 甚麼火湯湯底最高熱量?

  • 【譚太食譜】日式焗鴨腿 Japanese style baked duck leg

    【譚太食譜】日式焗鴨腿 Japanese style baked duck leg

  • Liver 甚麼傷肝?甚麼養肝?3 道料理找回健康肝臟

    Liver 甚麼傷肝?甚麼養肝?3 道料理找回健康肝臟

  • Napa cabbage 綠葉白菜和黃葉白菜有甚麼分別? 哪種口感較佳?

    Napa cabbage 綠葉白菜和黃葉白菜有甚麼分別? 哪種口感較佳?

  • 【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗龍雪魚 Baked fish with white sauce

    【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗龍雪魚 Baked fish with white sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】自製豆腐花 Tofu dessert

    【譚太食譜】自製豆腐花 Tofu dessert

  • Honey 65 歲婦食印度自製蜂蜜後中毒 香港消委會提出食用 7 貼士

    Honey 65 歲婦食印度自製蜂蜜後中毒 香港消委會提出食用 7 貼士

  • Lazy Susan 中式迴轉餐桌該向左還是右轉?

    Lazy Susan 中式迴轉餐桌該向左還是右轉?

  • 【譚太食譜】葡汁焗蠔 Baked oyster with Portuguese sauce

    【譚太食譜】葡汁焗蠔 Baked oyster with Portuguese sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】日式炒烏冬 Japanese style stir-fry udon

    【譚太食譜】日式炒烏冬 Japanese style stir-fry udon

  • Beans 豆類沒煮熟易令人中毒

    Beans 豆類沒煮熟易令人中毒

  • 【譚太食譜】秋葵炒肉片 Stir-fry orca with pork

    【譚太食譜】秋葵炒肉片 Stir-fry orca with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】清心丸綠豆爽 Sweet mung bean soup

    【譚太食譜】清心丸綠豆爽 Sweet mung bean soup

  • Soy pulp 日本醫師的「低醣減肥」祕密武器 - 豆渣粉

    Soy pulp 日本醫師的「低醣減肥」祕密武器 - 豆渣粉

  • 【譚太食譜】潮州炒米粉 Fried rice vermicelli noodles

    【譚太食譜】潮州炒米粉 Fried rice vermicelli noodles

  • Hot pot theatre 看電影還能吃火鍋?成都「火鍋電影院」爆紅

    Hot pot theatre 看電影還能吃火鍋?成都「火鍋電影院」爆紅

  • 【譚太食譜】汕頭炒魚麵 Shantou Fish Noodles

    【譚太食譜】汕頭炒魚麵 Shantou Fish Noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】香妃雞 Steam chicken with special sauce

    【譚太食譜】香妃雞 Steam chicken with special sauce

  • 「指甲大小」可頌 4 顆要價 3.75 加元

    「指甲大小」可頌 4 顆要價 3.75 加元

  • 【譚太食譜】養顏黑芝麻糕 Black Sesame dessert pudding

    【譚太食譜】養顏黑芝麻糕 Black Sesame dessert pudding

  • Corn DIY 新鮮玉米汁 用這方法幾分鐘剝一盤

    Corn DIY 新鮮玉米汁 用這方法幾分鐘剝一盤

  • Sweet potato leaves 農民拿來餵豬的地瓜葉 原來是個寶!

    Sweet potato leaves 農民拿來餵豬的地瓜葉 原來是個寶!

  • Daikon 平民人參! 白蘿蔔排毒又能清血管

    Daikon 平民人參! 白蘿蔔排毒又能清血管

  • 【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯 Pork shank soup with dried abalone

    【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯 Pork shank soup with dried abalone

  • GODIVA Bakery 全球首間 GODIVA 麵包店 亮相東京

    GODIVA Bakery 全球首間 GODIVA 麵包店 亮相東京

  • 【譚太食譜】家鄉煎蓮藕餅 lotus root pancake

    【譚太食譜】家鄉煎蓮藕餅 lotus root pancake

  • 【譚太食譜】蘭花豆腐乾 dried bean curd with special sauce

    【譚太食譜】蘭花豆腐乾 dried bean curd with special sauce

  • Coffee 咖啡新喝法 醫師建議加這 3 種食材 這樣喝才更健康

    Coffee 咖啡新喝法 醫師建議加這 3 種食材 這樣喝才更健康

  • 【譚太食譜】香芒炒肉片 Stir-fry pork with mango slices

    【譚太食譜】香芒炒肉片 Stir-fry pork with mango slices

  • Frozen meat 冰箱裡的肉 凍多久就不能吃了?

    Frozen meat 冰箱裡的肉 凍多久就不能吃了?

  • 【譚太食譜】桂花荔枝糕 Osmanthus Lychee Jelly

    【譚太食譜】桂花荔枝糕 Osmanthus Lychee Jelly

  • Croissant 倫敦 「巨型 Croissants 」在 IG 爆紅

    Croissant 倫敦 「巨型 Croissants 」在 IG 爆紅

  • 【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed Hairy Gourd with Minced Pork

    【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed Hairy Gourd with Minced Pork

  • Mango 芒果有毒?如何挑選和保存?

    Mango 芒果有毒?如何挑選和保存?

  • 【譚太食譜】日式燒雞串 Japanese Chicken Yakitori

    【譚太食譜】日式燒雞串 Japanese Chicken Yakitori

  • Grass jelly 夏日聖品「仙草」功效和熱量 但 2 類人別吃

    Grass jelly 夏日聖品「仙草」功效和熱量 但 2 類人別吃

  • 【譚太食譜】 吞拿魚牛油果 Tuna with avocado spread

    【譚太食譜】 吞拿魚牛油果 Tuna with avocado spread

  • Reheat leftovers 醫生建議這 6 款食物 盡量別二次加熱

    Reheat leftovers 醫生建議這 6 款食物 盡量別二次加熱

  • 【譚太食譜】 南瓜杯蛋糕 Pumpkin cake

    【譚太食譜】 南瓜杯蛋糕 Pumpkin cake

  • Tea leaves 茶葉過期了 還能喝嗎?

    Tea leaves 茶葉過期了 還能喝嗎?

  • 【譚太食譜】 海鮮炒魚肚 Stir fry fish maw

    【譚太食譜】 海鮮炒魚肚 Stir fry fish maw

  • 【譚太食譜】 特式釀童子雞 Bake spring chicken

    【譚太食譜】 特式釀童子雞 Bake spring chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】 班粒腐皮卷 Bean Curd roll

    【譚太食譜】 班粒腐皮卷 Bean Curd roll

  • 【譚太食譜】 紫菜三寶湯 Seaweed soup

    【譚太食譜】 紫菜三寶湯 Seaweed soup

  • 【譚太食譜】  紙包蛋糕 Paper cup cake

    【譚太食譜】 紙包蛋糕 Paper cup cake

  • 【譚太食譜】 亞參茄子魚 Asam fish

    【譚太食譜】 亞參茄子魚 Asam fish

  • 【譚太食譜】豉油王子雞 Soy sauce chicken

    【譚太食譜】豉油王子雞 Soy sauce chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】甜酸醬燜排骨 Sweet and sour ribs

    【譚太食譜】甜酸醬燜排骨 Sweet and sour ribs

  • 【譚太食譜】泰式芒果糯米飯 Mango sticky rice

    【譚太食譜】泰式芒果糯米飯 Mango sticky rice

  • 【譚太食譜】泰式燒雞冷麵 Thai chicken cold noodles

    【譚太食譜】泰式燒雞冷麵 Thai chicken cold noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】 焗泰式香茅雞扒 Thai style lemongrass chicken

    【譚太食譜】 焗泰式香茅雞扒 Thai style lemongrass chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】 泰式五香炆豬肉 Braised pork with Thai sauce

    【譚太食譜】 泰式五香炆豬肉 Braised pork with Thai sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】 花旗參竹絲雞湯 Ginseng chicken soup

    【譚太食譜】 花旗參竹絲雞湯 Ginseng chicken soup

  • 【譚太食譜】 蝦子海參豆腐 Braised sea cucumber with tofu

    【譚太食譜】 蝦子海參豆腐 Braised sea cucumber with tofu

  • 【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖喱雞 Japanese style curry chicken with kabocha

    【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖喱雞 Japanese style curry chicken with kabocha

  • 【譚太食譜】避風塘炒蜆 Hong Kong style spicy clams

    【譚太食譜】避風塘炒蜆 Hong Kong style spicy clams

  • 【譚太食譜】金菇牛肉卷 Enoki mushroom beef rolls

    【譚太食譜】金菇牛肉卷 Enoki mushroom beef rolls

  • 【譚太食譜】桃膠西米糕 Peach gum sago pudding

    【譚太食譜】桃膠西米糕 Peach gum sago pudding

  • 【譚太食譜】牛腩筋炆蘿蔔 Stewed beef brisket

    【譚太食譜】牛腩筋炆蘿蔔 Stewed beef brisket

  • 【譚太食譜】咖喱雞 Curry chicken

    【譚太食譜】咖喱雞 Curry chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】焗釀豬扒 Stuffed pork cutlets

    【譚太食譜】焗釀豬扒 Stuffed pork cutlets

  • 【譚太食譜】焗蓮蓉西米布甸 Lotus seed pudding

    【譚太食譜】焗蓮蓉西米布甸 Lotus seed pudding

  • 【譚太食譜】鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir fry Japanese yam with pork

    【譚太食譜】鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir fry Japanese yam with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】蛋白炒海鮮  Stir fry seafood with egg white

    【譚太食譜】蛋白炒海鮮 Stir fry seafood with egg white

  • 【譚太食譜】松茸焗走地雞 Oven bake chicken with wild mushrooms

    【譚太食譜】松茸焗走地雞 Oven bake chicken with wild mushrooms

  • 【譚太食譜】花旗蔘蒸蛋糕 Steam ginseng sponge cake

    【譚太食譜】花旗蔘蒸蛋糕 Steam ginseng sponge cake

  • 【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber with mushrooms

    【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber with mushrooms

  • 【譚太食譜】龍馬精神 Pan-fried lobster with vegetables

    【譚太食譜】龍馬精神 Pan-fried lobster with vegetables

  • 【譚太食譜】合桃杯子蛋糕 Walnut cup cake

    【譚太食譜】合桃杯子蛋糕 Walnut cup cake

  • Happy Food 心情低落?營養師推介十大快樂食物 助你擺脫負能量

    Happy Food 心情低落?營養師推介十大快樂食物 助你擺脫負能量

  • 【譚太食譜】西梅煙肉卷 Bacon rolls with plums

    【譚太食譜】西梅煙肉卷 Bacon rolls with plums

  • 【譚太食譜】特式蘋果焗火雞  Baked turkey with apples

    【譚太食譜】特式蘋果焗火雞 Baked turkey with apples

  • 【譚太食譜】帶子雞柳茄子煲 Scallops with chicken and eggplant

    【譚太食譜】帶子雞柳茄子煲 Scallops with chicken and eggplant

  • 【譚太食譜】金瓜蒸排骨 Steamed short ribs with kaobao

    【譚太食譜】金瓜蒸排骨 Steamed short ribs with kaobao

  • 【譚太食譜】德國蘋果批 German style apple pie

    【譚太食譜】德國蘋果批 German style apple pie

  • 【譚太食譜】海南雞煲仔飯 Hoi Nam chicken clay pot rice

    【譚太食譜】海南雞煲仔飯 Hoi Nam chicken clay pot rice

  • 【譚太食譜】日式焗走地鴨腿  Bake duck leg

    【譚太食譜】日式焗走地鴨腿 Bake duck leg

  • 【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed hairy melon

    【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed hairy melon

  • 【譚太食譜】蛋撻 Egg tart

    【譚太食譜】蛋撻 Egg tart

  • 【譚太食譜】鱆魚肉餅煲仔飯  Rice with octopus in claypot

    【譚太食譜】鱆魚肉餅煲仔飯 Rice with octopus in claypot

  • 【譚太食譜】香煎勝瓜餅 Luffa pancake

    【譚太食譜】香煎勝瓜餅 Luffa pancake

  • 【譚太食譜】海參炆排骨 Braised sea cucumber with pork ribs

    【譚太食譜】海參炆排骨 Braised sea cucumber with pork ribs

  • 【譚太食譜】八補釀鴨  Duck with special stuffing

    【譚太食譜】八補釀鴨 Duck with special stuffing

  • 【譚太食譜】芒果布甸  Mango pudding

    【譚太食譜】芒果布甸 Mango pudding

  • 【譚太食譜】榨菜肉絲煎米粉 Pan fry noodle with pork

    【譚太食譜】榨菜肉絲煎米粉 Pan fry noodle with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】花好月圓 Stir fry scallop with broccoli

    【譚太食譜】花好月圓 Stir fry scallop with broccoli

  • 【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖哩雞 Japanese curry chicken

    【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖哩雞 Japanese curry chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】芝士藍莓蛋糕  Blueberry cheesecake

    【譚太食譜】芝士藍莓蛋糕 Blueberry cheesecake

  • 【譚太食譜】蘭花豆腐乾 Dry bean curd with special sauce

    【譚太食譜】蘭花豆腐乾 Dry bean curd with special sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖喱雞 Japanese style curry chicken

    【譚太食譜】日式南瓜咖喱雞 Japanese style curry chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】牛蒡豬腱湯  Burdock soup with pork

    【譚太食譜】牛蒡豬腱湯 Burdock soup with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】蒸素粉卷 Special vegan stream rice roll

    【譚太食譜】蒸素粉卷 Special vegan stream rice roll

  • 【譚太食譜】板豆腐蝦仁炒蛋 Stir-fry shrimp and egg on tofu

    【譚太食譜】板豆腐蝦仁炒蛋 Stir-fry shrimp and egg on tofu

  • 【譚太食譜】焗瑞士雞 Swiss chicken

    【譚太食譜】焗瑞士雞 Swiss chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗魚柳 Baked cod fillet with spinach cream sauce

    【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗魚柳 Baked cod fillet with spinach cream sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】荷芹藕片 Stir-fry celery with lotus root

    【譚太食譜】荷芹藕片 Stir-fry celery with lotus root

  • 【譚太食譜】自製豆腐花 Homemade tofu dessert

    【譚太食譜】自製豆腐花 Homemade tofu dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】小籠荷香雞飯 Steam chicken rice with lotus leaf

    【譚太食譜】小籠荷香雞飯 Steam chicken rice with lotus leaf

  • 【譚太食譜】五香牛腱 Braised beef shank

    【譚太食譜】五香牛腱 Braised beef shank

  • 【譚太食譜】乾炒沙爹雞河粉 Pan fried chicken noodles

    【譚太食譜】乾炒沙爹雞河粉 Pan fried chicken noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】杬仁馬拉糕 Sugar sponge cake

    【譚太食譜】杬仁馬拉糕 Sugar sponge cake

  • 【譚太食譜】花生酒釀炆雞腳 Braised chicken feet with peanuts

    【譚太食譜】花生酒釀炆雞腳 Braised chicken feet with peanuts

  • 【譚太食譜】焗紙包雞 Bake Chicken in parchment paper

    【譚太食譜】焗紙包雞 Bake Chicken in parchment paper

  • 【譚太食譜】 香煎倉魚 Pan fried pomfret

    【譚太食譜】 香煎倉魚 Pan fried pomfret

  • 【譚太食譜】心型水蒸蛋糕 Steam cake

    【譚太食譜】心型水蒸蛋糕 Steam cake

  • 【譚太食譜】珍菌炒素雞 Stir fry bean curd with mushrooms

    【譚太食譜】珍菌炒素雞 Stir fry bean curd with mushrooms

  • 【譚太食譜】 炒韓國粉條 Korean stir fried glass noodles

    【譚太食譜】 炒韓國粉條 Korean stir fried glass noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】Stir-fry vermicelli with pork and preserved vegetables 榨菜肉絲煎米粉

    【譚太食譜】Stir-fry vermicelli with pork and preserved vegetables 榨菜肉絲煎米粉

  • 【譚太食譜】Braised chicken with taro 美味香芋鹵水雞

    【譚太食譜】Braised chicken with taro 美味香芋鹵水雞

  • 【譚太食譜】菠蘿芝士批 Pineapple cheese pie

    【譚太食譜】菠蘿芝士批 Pineapple cheese pie

  • 【譚太食譜】吞拿牛油果沙律 Avocado tuna salad

    【譚太食譜】吞拿牛油果沙律 Avocado tuna salad

  • 【譚太食譜】四寶銀耳羹 Tremella dessert

    【譚太食譜】四寶銀耳羹 Tremella dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】 鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir fry Chinese yam with pork

    【譚太食譜】 鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir fry Chinese yam with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】鱆魚蒸肉餅 Steamed minced pork with dried octopus

    【譚太食譜】鱆魚蒸肉餅 Steamed minced pork with dried octopus

  • 【譚太食譜】柱侯牛腩 Braised beef brisket

    【譚太食譜】柱侯牛腩 Braised beef brisket

  • 【譚太食譜】桃膠西米露 Peach gum sago dessert

    【譚太食譜】桃膠西米露 Peach gum sago dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】素錦綉腐皮卷 Vegetable bean curd roll

    【譚太食譜】素錦綉腐皮卷 Vegetable bean curd roll

  • 【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber with dried oysters

    【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber with dried oysters

  • 【譚太食譜】焗紅豆椰汁年糕  Bake red bean Chinese cake

    【譚太食譜】焗紅豆椰汁年糕 Bake red bean Chinese cake

  • 【譚太食譜】自製脆皮腩肉 BBQ pork

    【譚太食譜】自製脆皮腩肉 BBQ pork

  • 【譚太食譜】鷓鴣雪耳杏仁湯 Partridge soup

    【譚太食譜】鷓鴣雪耳杏仁湯 Partridge soup

  • 【譚太食譜】簡易焗牛柳 Bake beef tenderloin

    【譚太食譜】簡易焗牛柳 Bake beef tenderloin

  • 【譚太食譜】聖誕薑餅  Christmas ginger cookies

    【譚太食譜】聖誕薑餅 Christmas ginger cookies

  • 【譚太食譜】 煙三文魚沙律 Smoke salmon salad

    【譚太食譜】 煙三文魚沙律 Smoke salmon salad

  • 【譚太食譜】魚香茄子煲 Spicy eggplant with salted fish

    【譚太食譜】魚香茄子煲 Spicy eggplant with salted fish

  • 【譚太食譜】健康曲奇 Homemade cookies

    【譚太食譜】健康曲奇 Homemade cookies

  • 【譚太食譜】梅菜肉餅煲仔飯 Clay pot rice with pork meat pie and preserved vegetables

    【譚太食譜】梅菜肉餅煲仔飯 Clay pot rice with pork meat pie and preserved vegetables

  • 【譚太食譜】 鮑貝扒豆苗 Braised pea shoot with mushroom

    【譚太食譜】 鮑貝扒豆苗 Braised pea shoot with mushroom

  • 【譚太食譜】金瓜蒸排骨 Steam spare ribs with kabocha

    【譚太食譜】金瓜蒸排骨 Steam spare ribs with kabocha

  • 【譚太食譜】朱古力合桃米通 Chocolate walnut puffed rice

    【譚太食譜】朱古力合桃米通 Chocolate walnut puffed rice

  • 【譚太食譜】雞肉炆白豆乾 Braised chicken with white beans

    【譚太食譜】雞肉炆白豆乾 Braised chicken with white beans

  • 【譚太食譜】意大利蘭花湯 Broccoli soup

    【譚太食譜】意大利蘭花湯 Broccoli soup

  • 【譚太食譜】自製紅蘿蔔麵條  Carrot noodles

    【譚太食譜】自製紅蘿蔔麵條 Carrot noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】元貝炆柚皮 Braised pomelo skin

    【譚太食譜】元貝炆柚皮 Braised pomelo skin

  • 【譚太食譜】生煎饅頭 Pan fried buns

    【譚太食譜】生煎饅頭 Pan fried buns

  • 【譚太食譜】焗譚家糯米雞 Bake glutinous rice

    【譚太食譜】焗譚家糯米雞 Bake glutinous rice

  • 【譚太食譜】啤酒焗蟹 Beer crab

    【譚太食譜】啤酒焗蟹 Beer crab

  • 【譚太食譜】焗蘇梅醬鱸魚 Bake striped bass with plum sauce

    【譚太食譜】焗蘇梅醬鱸魚 Bake striped bass with plum sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】Homemade blueberry jam 莓果醬

    【譚太食譜】Homemade blueberry jam 莓果醬

  • 【譚太食譜】Luffa with fish ball soup 潮式勝瓜魚蛋湯

    【譚太食譜】Luffa with fish ball soup 潮式勝瓜魚蛋湯

  • 【譚太食譜】Spicy pineapple fried rice 辣味菠蘿船炒飯

    【譚太食譜】Spicy pineapple fried rice 辣味菠蘿船炒飯

  • 【譚太食譜】Baked BBQ pork 焗蜜汁叉燒

    【譚太食譜】Baked BBQ pork 焗蜜汁叉燒

  • 【譚太食譜】咖啡蛋糕 Coffee cake

    【譚太食譜】咖啡蛋糕 Coffee cake

  • 【譚太食譜】日式焗走地鴨腿 Japanese style bake duck leg

    【譚太食譜】日式焗走地鴨腿 Japanese style bake duck leg

  • 【譚太食譜】咖喱魚頭 Curry fish head

    【譚太食譜】咖喱魚頭 Curry fish head

  • 【譚太食譜】賽螃蟹 Broccoli with egg white

    【譚太食譜】賽螃蟹 Broccoli with egg white

  • 【譚太食譜】西芹雞柳 Stir-fry chicken with celery

    【譚太食譜】西芹雞柳 Stir-fry chicken with celery

  • 【譚太食譜】菠蘿芝士批  Pineapple cheese pie

    【譚太食譜】菠蘿芝士批 Pineapple cheese pie

  • 【譚太食譜】韓式燒牛肉 Korean style BBQ beef

    【譚太食譜】韓式燒牛肉 Korean style BBQ beef

  • 【譚太食譜】牛蒡豬腱湯 Arrowroot with pork soup

    【譚太食譜】牛蒡豬腱湯 Arrowroot with pork soup

  • 【譚太食譜】 潮州雙拼粽 Rice Dumplings

    【譚太食譜】 潮州雙拼粽 Rice Dumplings

  • 【譚太食譜】潤肺杏仁糕  Almond dessert cake

    【譚太食譜】潤肺杏仁糕 Almond dessert cake

  • 【譚太食譜】蓮藕燜豬手 Braised pig feet with lotus root

    【譚太食譜】蓮藕燜豬手 Braised pig feet with lotus root

  • 【譚太食譜】鷓鴣雪耳杏仁湯 Healthy almond soup

    【譚太食譜】鷓鴣雪耳杏仁湯 Healthy almond soup

  • 【譚太食譜】粟米班塊 Fish Fillet in Sweet Corn Sauce

    【譚太食譜】粟米班塊 Fish Fillet in Sweet Corn Sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】花彫醉雞 Drunken chicken

    【譚太食譜】花彫醉雞 Drunken chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】香花紅豆凍糕 Red bean cake dessert

    【譚太食譜】香花紅豆凍糕 Red bean cake dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】家鄉煎蓮藕 Pan-fried lotus cake

    【譚太食譜】家鄉煎蓮藕 Pan-fried lotus cake

  • 【譚太食譜】三文魚煮茄子 Braised salmon with eggplant

    【譚太食譜】三文魚煮茄子 Braised salmon with eggplant

  • 【譚太食譜】自製蝦子麵條 Shrimp roe noodle

    【譚太食譜】自製蝦子麵條 Shrimp roe noodle

  • 【譚太食譜】花旗參蒸蛋糕  Ginseng cake

    【譚太食譜】花旗參蒸蛋糕 Ginseng cake

  • Milk 怎樣喝牛奶最健康

    Milk 怎樣喝牛奶最健康

  • 【譚太食譜】	八補釀鴨 Eight treasure duck

    【譚太食譜】 八補釀鴨 Eight treasure duck

  • 【譚太食譜】咖喱素雞 Vegan curry

    【譚太食譜】咖喱素雞 Vegan curry

  • Spinach 菠菜防肺癌護心血管 保鮮這樣做才對

    Spinach 菠菜防肺癌護心血管 保鮮這樣做才對

  • 【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯 Fungus soup

    【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯 Fungus soup

  • 【譚太食譜】人參雞湯 Ginseng chicken soup

    【譚太食譜】人參雞湯 Ginseng chicken soup

  • 【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber

    【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumber

  • 【譚太食譜】發財大紅利 Braised dried oysters with black moss

    【譚太食譜】發財大紅利 Braised dried oysters with black moss

  • 【譚太食譜】 香麻芋頭糕 Taro cake

    【譚太食譜】 香麻芋頭糕 Taro cake

  • 【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗龍鱈魚 Bake Basa with special white sauce

    【譚太食譜】白汁菠菜焗龍鱈魚 Bake Basa with special white sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】赤小豆粉葛湯 Arrowroot soup

    【譚太食譜】赤小豆粉葛湯 Arrowroot soup

  • 【譚太食譜】焗瑞士排骨 Bake ribs with Swiss sauce

    【譚太食譜】焗瑞士排骨 Bake ribs with Swiss sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】蠔豉發菜豬手  Pig knuckle braised with oyster sauce

    【譚太食譜】蠔豉發菜豬手 Pig knuckle braised with oyster sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】檸檬牛油蛋糕  Butter lemon cake

    【譚太食譜】檸檬牛油蛋糕 Butter lemon cake

  • 【譚太食譜】芝士焗火雞粒 Baked diced turkey with cheese

    【譚太食譜】芝士焗火雞粒 Baked diced turkey with cheese

  • 【譚太食譜】章魚肉餅煲仔飯 Minced pork with dried octopus claypot rice

    【譚太食譜】章魚肉餅煲仔飯 Minced pork with dried octopus claypot rice

  • 【譚太食譜】枝竹草羊煲 Goat stew

    【譚太食譜】枝竹草羊煲 Goat stew

  • 【譚太食譜】鮮草莓果醬 Strawberry jam

    【譚太食譜】鮮草莓果醬 Strawberry jam

  • 【譚太食譜】海底椰合掌瓜湯 Sea coconut soup

    【譚太食譜】海底椰合掌瓜湯 Sea coconut soup

  • 【譚太食譜】金針雪耳炆牛腱 Braised beef shank with mushrooms

    【譚太食譜】金針雪耳炆牛腱 Braised beef shank with mushrooms

  • 【譚太食譜】啫啫雞煲 Chicken stew

    【譚太食譜】啫啫雞煲 Chicken stew

  • 【譚太食譜】星洲綠豆糯慈  Green bean gluten rice dessert

    【譚太食譜】星洲綠豆糯慈 Green bean gluten rice dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】香蕉高麗豆沙 Deep fry banana dessert

    【譚太食譜】香蕉高麗豆沙 Deep fry banana dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】桃膠海參羹 Sea cucumber soup with peach gum

    【譚太食譜】桃膠海參羹 Sea cucumber soup with peach gum

  • 【譚太食譜】滋味走地鴨  Soy-sauce duck

    【譚太食譜】滋味走地鴨 Soy-sauce duck

  • 【譚太食譜】啤酒焗蟹 Beer crab

    【譚太食譜】啤酒焗蟹 Beer crab

  • 【譚太食譜】銅鑼燒叮噹餅 Dorayaki (red bean pancake)

    【譚太食譜】銅鑼燒叮噹餅 Dorayaki (red bean pancake)

  • 【譚太食譜】乾煸四季豆 Sichuan dry fried green beans

    【譚太食譜】乾煸四季豆 Sichuan dry fried green beans

  • 【譚太食譜】豉油王子雞 Soy sauce chicken

    【譚太食譜】豉油王子雞 Soy sauce chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】雪梨銀耳湯 Snow fungus pear sweet soup

    【譚太食譜】雪梨銀耳湯 Snow fungus pear sweet soup

  • 【譚太食譜】香檸可樂雞翼 Chicken wings in lemon coke sauce

    【譚太食譜】香檸可樂雞翼 Chicken wings in lemon coke sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】煙三文魚沙拉 Smoked salmon salad

    【譚太食譜】煙三文魚沙拉 Smoked salmon salad

  • 【譚太食譜】美味炒自製銀針粉 Stir-fry silver needle noodles

    【譚太食譜】美味炒自製銀針粉 Stir-fry silver needle noodles

  • 【譚太食譜】砵酒炆牛尾 Braised oxtail with port wine

    【譚太食譜】砵酒炆牛尾 Braised oxtail with port wine

  • 【譚太食譜】韓式雜菜煎餅 Korean vegetable pancake

    【譚太食譜】韓式雜菜煎餅 Korean vegetable pancake

  • 【譚太食譜】 日式焗走地鴨腿 Baked duck leg with Japanese sauce

    【譚太食譜】 日式焗走地鴨腿 Baked duck leg with Japanese sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】南瓜薯仔炆雞 Stew chicken with potatoes and kabocha

    【譚太食譜】南瓜薯仔炆雞 Stew chicken with potatoes and kabocha

  • 【譚太食譜】蓮子紫糯米粽  Purple sticky rice dumplings

    【譚太食譜】蓮子紫糯米粽 Purple sticky rice dumplings

  • 【譚太食譜】韓國粉條涼拌 Korean noodle japchae

    【譚太食譜】韓國粉條涼拌 Korean noodle japchae

  • 【譚太食譜】荷芹藕片 Stir-fry lotus root with celery

    【譚太食譜】荷芹藕片 Stir-fry lotus root with celery

  • 【譚太食譜】花旗參竹絲雞煲 Ginseng Chicken Soup

    【譚太食譜】花旗參竹絲雞煲 Ginseng Chicken Soup

  • Dine in restaurants 大溫「堂食重開」餐館一覧表

    Dine in restaurants 大溫「堂食重開」餐館一覧表

  • 【譚太食譜】 桂花糖蓮藕  Lotus root dessert

    【譚太食譜】 桂花糖蓮藕 Lotus root dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】紫心番薯饅頭 Purple yam bun

    【譚太食譜】紫心番薯饅頭 Purple yam bun

  • 【譚太食譜】 秋葵炒肉片 Stir-fry okra with pork

    【譚太食譜】 秋葵炒肉片 Stir-fry okra with pork

  • 【譚太食譜】醬焗美味走地雞 Roast chicken

    【譚太食譜】醬焗美味走地雞 Roast chicken

  • 【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯  Chinese yam soup

    【譚太食譜】清熱潤肺湯 Chinese yam soup

  • 【譚太食譜】家鄉蒸軟糍 Steam glutinous rice dessert

    【譚太食譜】家鄉蒸軟糍 Steam glutinous rice dessert

  • 【譚太食譜】美味酱焗排骨 Baked ribs with special sauce

    【譚太食譜】美味酱焗排骨 Baked ribs with special sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】柱候牛筋蘿蔔 Braised Beef Tendons

    【譚太食譜】柱候牛筋蘿蔔 Braised Beef Tendons

  • 【譚太食譜】鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir-fried pork with Chinese Yam

    【譚太食譜】鮮淮山炒肉片 Stir-fried pork with Chinese Yam

  • 【譚太食譜】紅茶紅豆糕  Red bean cake

    【譚太食譜】紅茶紅豆糕 Red bean cake

  • 【譚太食譜】營養漢堡豆腐  Vegan burger

    【譚太食譜】營養漢堡豆腐 Vegan burger

  • 【譚太食譜】咖喱魚頭 Curry fish head

    【譚太食譜】咖喱魚頭 Curry fish head

  • 【譚太食譜】香橙豬扒  Pan fried pork chop with orange sauce

    【譚太食譜】香橙豬扒 Pan fried pork chop with orange sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】蜜餞 柚皮  Sugar coated pomelo skin

    【譚太食譜】蜜餞 柚皮 Sugar coated pomelo skin

  • 【譚太食譜】火腩鮮蠔煲  Oyster with roast pork

    【譚太食譜】火腩鮮蠔煲 Oyster with roast pork

  • 【譚太食譜】五福臨門 Stir-fry pork belly with vegetables

    【譚太食譜】五福臨門 Stir-fry pork belly with vegetables

  • 【譚太食譜】葡汁焗四蔬 Baked vegetable curry

    【譚太食譜】葡汁焗四蔬 Baked vegetable curry

  • 【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumbers with mushrooms

    【譚太食譜】心想事成 Braised sea cucumbers with mushrooms

  • 【譚太食譜】龍馬精神 Stir-fry lobster

    【譚太食譜】龍馬精神 Stir-fry lobster

  • 【譚太食譜】錦上添花 Stir-fry shrimps with broccoli

    【譚太食譜】錦上添花 Stir-fry shrimps with broccoli

  • 【譚太食譜】 鮑貝扒豆苗 Braised pea shoot with mushroom

    【譚太食譜】 鮑貝扒豆苗 Braised pea shoot with mushroom

  • 【譚太食譜】 赤小豆粉葛湯  Arrow root red bean soup

    【譚太食譜】 赤小豆粉葛湯 Arrow root red bean soup

  • 【譚太食譜】 雞球炆栗子煲 Chicken and chestnut in clay pot

    【譚太食譜】 雞球炆栗子煲 Chicken and chestnut in clay pot

  • 【譚太食譜】珍菌炒素雞 Stir-fry vegetarian chicken with mushroom

    【譚太食譜】珍菌炒素雞 Stir-fry vegetarian chicken with mushroom

  • 【譚太食譜】 餐前小食 - 蟹肉魚子沙律 & 西梅煙肉卷 Appetizers

    【譚太食譜】 餐前小食 - 蟹肉魚子沙律 & 西梅煙肉卷 Appetizers

  • 【譚太食譜】桃膠椰汁西米露  Peach gum sago with cocunut milk

    【譚太食譜】桃膠椰汁西米露 Peach gum sago with cocunut milk

  • 【譚太食譜】	滑雞煲仔飯  Steamed chicken rice pot

    【譚太食譜】 滑雞煲仔飯 Steamed chicken rice pot

  • 【譚太食譜】滑蛋蝦仁 Scrambled eggs with shrimp

    【譚太食譜】滑蛋蝦仁 Scrambled eggs with shrimp

  • 【譚太食譜】香妃雞 Steamed chicken with special sauce

    【譚太食譜】香妃雞 Steamed chicken with special sauce

  • 【譚太食譜】孖寳炒蝦球  Stir-fry shrimp with apple and pear

    【譚太食譜】孖寳炒蝦球 Stir-fry shrimp with apple and pear

  • 【譚太食譜】蛋撻 Egg Tart

    【譚太食譜】蛋撻 Egg Tart

  • 【譚太食譜】章魚肉餅煲仔飯 Steamed dried octopus with minced pork on rice

    【譚太食譜】章魚肉餅煲仔飯 Steamed dried octopus with minced pork on rice

  • 【譚太食譜】香煎勝瓜餅 Pan-fry sponge gourd cake

    【譚太食譜】香煎勝瓜餅 Pan-fry sponge gourd cake

  • 【譚太食譜】海參炆排骨 Braised pork rib with sea cucumbers

    【譚太食譜】海參炆排骨 Braised pork rib with sea cucumbers

  • 【譚太食譜】焗蘋果批 Apple Pie

    【譚太食譜】焗蘋果批 Apple Pie

  • 【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed Hairy Gourd

    【譚太食譜】釀節瓜 Stuffed Hairy Gourd

  • 【譚太食譜】炒潮州麵缐 Stir-fry Chiu Chow noodle

    【譚太食譜】炒潮州麵缐 Stir-fry Chiu Chow noodle

  • 【譚太食譜】楊枝甘露 Mango pomelo sago

    【譚太食譜】楊枝甘露 Mango pomelo sago

  • 【譚太食譜】馬拉盞牛肉炒通菜 Kangkung belacan with beef

    【譚太食譜】馬拉盞牛肉炒通菜 Kangkung belacan with beef

  • 【譚太食譜】潮州凍蟹 Chiu Chow cold crab

    【譚太食譜】潮州凍蟹 Chiu Chow cold crab

  • 【譚太食譜】煙三文魚沙拉  Smoke salmon salad

    【譚太食譜】煙三文魚沙拉 Smoke salmon salad

  • 【譚太食譜】辣味菠蘿船炒飯  Spicy pineapple fried rice

    【譚太食譜】辣味菠蘿船炒飯 Spicy pineapple fried rice

  • 【譚太食譜】韓式海鮮班戟 Buchimgae

    【譚太食譜】韓式海鮮班戟 Buchimgae

  • 【譚太食譜】百花冬瓜夾 Stuffed winter melon

    【譚太食譜】百花冬瓜夾 Stuffed winter melon

  • 【譚太食譜】小籠荷香雞飯 Steam chicken rice wrapped with lotus leaves

    【譚太食譜】小籠荷香雞飯 Steam chicken rice wrapped with lotus leaves

  • 【譚太食譜】 榴蓮飄香 Durian Crisp Nosh

    【譚太食譜】 榴蓮飄香 Durian Crisp Nosh

  • 【譚太食譜】 銀杏腐竹豬肚湯 Pig's Stomach with Beancurd Soup

    【譚太食譜】 銀杏腐竹豬肚湯 Pig's Stomach with Beancurd Soup

  • 【譚太食譜】 香辣手撕雞 Spicy shredded chicken

    【譚太食譜】 香辣手撕雞 Spicy shredded chicken

  • 大開眼界!預覽溫哥華科學館的「Science of Cocktails」

    大開眼界!預覽溫哥華科學館的「Science of Cocktails」

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    Vancouver Tea Festival 帶你走訪 2017 溫哥華品茶節

  • Poll Results 飯後壞習慣 超過7成人中伏

    Poll Results 飯後壞習慣 超過7成人中伏

  • Poll 你慣常於吃飯後立刻做甚麼呢?

    Poll 你慣常於吃飯後立刻做甚麼呢?

  • Soy pulp 日本醫師的「低醣減肥」祕密武器 - 豆渣粉

    Soy pulp 日本醫師的「低醣減肥」祕密武器 - 豆渣粉