POLL 民意調查

加美關係漸趨惡劣 你的消費模式有否因而改變呢? [已完結]

加美關係漸趨惡劣 你的消費模式有否因而改變呢? [已完結]


As the trade dispute between the United States and Canada continues to mount, some Canadian customers are hoping to hit back against our southern neighbour with their wallets - stop buying U.S. products. Is there any changes to your consuming pattern?

截止日期 Deadline: June 28, 2018.

沒有分別,一切如常 Same consuming pattern

沒有分別,一切如常 Same consuming pattern

考慮多買來自其他國家的產品 Will consider products imported from other countries

考慮多買來自其他國家的產品 Will consider products imported from other countries

支持加拿大,買多了本地產品 Support Canada, buy more Canadian products

支持加拿大,買多了本地產品 Support Canada, buy more Canadian products

給美國一點顏色,買少了美國產品 Buy less U.S. products

給美國一點顏色,買少了美國產品 Buy less U.S. products
