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被中國冠上洩漏國家機密罪嫌而於2005年入獄坐牢的新加坡海峽時報記者程翔(左二),日前接受加拿大中文電台新聞總監李潔芝(左)國語組長陳儀芬(右)專訪,分享他坐牢一千多日的無悔心情。他也以一貫犀利的批判精神評論中國最近熱門的薄熙來與陳光誠事件。在獄中曾經想自殺的他,是什麼力量讓他堅持信念?是什麼力量讓他繼續為言論奮戰?在訪談中他真情告白、直言不諱。 程翔亦於粵語訪問中, 對今年三月香港特首選戰與日後政局作出評論。按此重溫程翔專訪。

Ching Cheong 程翔 評薄熙來 陳光誠事件

Ching Cheong, now a senior writer with the Singapore-based Straits Times, was arrested in Guangzhou and charged with spying for Taiwan in April 2005.  He was imprisoned for about three years and was released in February 2008.  In his interviews with Fairchild Radio, Ching talked about his agony during these 1,000 days.  He also commented on the current China regime and the political development in Hong Kong.