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今年的「後浪 DJ 訓練班」報名情況非常踴躍,最後由兩班加至三班,兩班國語加上一班粵語合共一百多人好不熱鬧。但教學質素絕對不會因為增加班次而有所影響,導師仍會將廣播知識傾囊相授,對學員亦會嚴格要求。

偷看今年的課程大綱,加拿大中文電台總裁李方親授「電台全接觸」、Brenda 盧業瑂教導講得更精彩」、Mary 盧玉鳳「解剖 Music Show」、名嘴張無忌細說「發音正字化」,都是實用又有趣的知識。繼續看 ... oh no ! 八月中 ... 期末考試 !!! 算了算了,辛苦的事先別管它,開學第一天,我們先來個師生開心大合照!

DJ Course 後浪開學大合照

The "2012 DJ Training Course" has officially started today.  This year due to overwhelming response, we are having three classes instead of two. In the next one and a half months, these students will learn the basics of radio broadcasting, the presentation skills and the procedures of audio production.  On the first day of school, some of the instructors came to take a picture with one of the three classes.