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The first Hong Kong music industry report card “Metro Hit Radio Awards 2011” presented almost 130 awards. Eason Chan, Joey Yung won four awards each as they all became singers with the most awards. Eason and Joey both won "Metro Hit Global Singer". Joey who has always longed for a record award this time also fulfilled her wish as she defeated her "nemesis" Eason to win the "Metro Hit Record of the Year" award.

Eason and Joey not only won the "Metro Hit Global Singer", he also won "Metro Hit Broadcast Index" and with <Bitter Melon>  won "Metro Hit Song of the Year". His <Snow In June> won the "Metro Hit Global Song". Aside from the singer and record awards, Joey also won "Metro Hit Song" with <One Flower A Thousand Tree> , while <Wall Paper> won "Metro Hit Karaoke Song". 

Eason & Joey
Eason & Joey

樂壇天王陳奕迅與歌后容祖兒於《新城勁爆頒獎禮2011》各自橫掃4奬成為大贏家,雙雙創造5連霸奪 「全球勁爆歌手」的不敗神話!而祖兒更從Eason手上奪去「年度專輯奬」,吐氣揚眉!

本年度樂壇第一張成績表 《新城勁爆頒獎禮2011》 假會展舉行,今屆踏入20周年,新城頒發多達143個獎項!Eason與祖兒5度雄霸「全球勁爆歌手」,祖兒另外3奬是「卡拉OK歌曲」、「勁爆歌曲」,還憑《Joey & Joey》贏了「年度專輯奬」,Eason都贊祖兒:“終於讓你奪得我的年度專輯奬啦!”祖兒即搞笑捧着奬得意扭腰,相當風騷!Eason憑大熱作品《苦瓜》連奪「年度歌曲大奬」及「播放指數大奬(歌手)」等奬!

Louis Cheung, Pakho Chau, Wong Cho Lam won Hit Creative Singer
Louis Cheung, Pakho Chau, Wong Cho Lam won Hit Creative Singer
 Twins' <3650> received song award and they won two group awards
Twins' <3650> received song award and they won two group awards

Fairchild Radio FM96.1 brings you 3 Hong Kong music awards in early 2012, including "Metro Hit Radio Awards", "Commercial Radio Music Awards" & "RTHK Top 10 Chinese Gold Song Awards". 

FM96.1 has scheduled to broadcast the  "Metro Hit Radio Awards 2011" on January 15 ( Sunday), 2012 at 3pm.

加拿大中文電台 FM96.1  將於2012年初帶給你香港三大華語樂壇頒獎禮 - 「新城勁爆頒獎禮」、「吒咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮」及「香港電台十大中文金曲頒獎典禮」。 FM96.1  已安排 「新城勁爆頒獎禮」 於1月15日(星期日)下午3時播出。 

(部份資料來源: 香港太陽報 & grooveasia.com)