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你投票未「2011 加拿大至 HiT 中文歌曲排行榜全國樂迷投票」還有十天就截止,如果你仍然七上八下拿不定主意,由今天起至星期五,請留意加拿大中文電台至 HiT 前奏」,我們會重點介紹今年入圍的國、粵語歌曲及歌手。

AM1470 2:30pm 「度身訂造」節目內 

FM96.1 3:25pm 「穎音楓報」節目內

G-Hits! 至 HiT 前奏

Have you voted?  The voting deadline for the "2011 Canadian Chinese Pop Music Awards" (aka the "G-Hits Awards", the Greatest Hits Awards) is January 1, 2012.  Yes, it could be quite overwhelming to pick your favourite songs, singers, composers and lyricists out of hundreds of choices, so we are here to help.  Listen to the "G-Hits Preview" on AM1470 and FM96.1 from now till Friday, we will summarize the candidates in each category and even play a short portion of their award-worthy songs.  

AM1470 2:30pm inside "Couture Mary"

FM96.1 3:25pm inside "The Afternoon Magazine"

想投票及重溫「至 HiT 前奏」,請進入「2011 加拿大至 HiT 中文歌曲排行榜全國樂迷投票」網頁。To vote or to listen to the "G-Hits Preview", please click here.