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Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤

狄寶娜摩亞 Deborah 一向注重生活質素,認為不需要很多金錢也可以活得開心。例如聖誕節,在血拼購物、通宵派對之餘,相約三五知己唱唱聖誕歌,開開玩笑,可能更有意思。

在聖誕期間,Deborah 特別請來一班唱得又玩得的好朋友盧業瑂盧玉鳳何活權和音樂創作人沈安麟一起大唱聖誕歌!

如此好玩的聖誕派對當然預你一份,AM1470 星期一至五早上10am,有「摩登生活狄寶娜」

Deborah & Friends 聖誕派對

Deborah Moore believes that a person's quality of life has nothing to do with fame or money.  The perfect example would be Christmas. While most people become exhausted and frustrated over too many parties and too much shopping, she simply calls up a few friends and have a cozy and fun get-together.

This week in "Modern Deborah", Deborah invited her good friends Brenda Lo, Mary Lo, William Ho and singer-songwriter Raymond Sham as guests.  They sang Christmas songs, shared a few stories as well as a lot of laughs.  Tune in 10am Monday to Friday on AM1470 to join the party.  

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