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GEM 今日到加拿大中文電台接受 Mary 盧玉鳯的拉闊訪問,作為新一代的實力偶像派,GEM 的叫座力果然非同凡響,電台門外一早就有粉絲排隊等待 GEM 的出現。

GEM 第一次到訪溫哥華,非常喜歡這?天清氣爽,人們熱情和善,她說今天早上到 downtown 逛 Christmas Market,買零食時零錢不夠,店家就爽快的少收她兩塊錢,小女孩心態的 GEM 就開心得不得了。

但一說到音樂,小女孩就成熟認真起來,GEM 對自己的音樂有非常高的要求,而由於出道時間尚短,GEM 不想被局限於一個細小空間內,仍希望可以嘗試不同的歌路。

有才華、有樣貌又有觀眾緣,GEM 成為香港、亞洲、甚至世界級的超級巨星,指日可待。

GEM 鄧紫棋接受 「度身訂造」拉闊訪問 GEM 鄧紫棋接受 「度身訂造」拉闊訪問

GEM was here, YAY!!! She came today to be interviewed by Mary of Couture Mary (M-F 1pm, AM1470) and tons of fans showed up to show their support as well as to take pictures of thier idol.  

On top of being a talented songwriter and a charismatic performer, GEM is very smart, genuinely frank and super cute.  At barely 20, GEM has what it takes to make it to the top, not only in Hong Kong but in the international music scene.

GEM 鄧紫棋接受 「度身訂造」拉闊訪問 GEM 鄧紫棋接受 「度身訂造」拉闊訪問

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