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在香港潮流界,無人不知星級化妝師 Annie G. Chan 的大名,無數明星歌星、名模名媛都靠她的一雙巧手從平凡變閃亮,腐朽化神奇。近日 GEM 鄧紫棋到加拿大巡迴演唱,她帶同一眾入室弟子作為御用化妝師隨行。由於 Annie G.與李婉華份屬多年好友,故特別抽空接受訪問,大談最新化妝趨勢及亞洲女性應該留意的化妝技巧。

Annie G. 小 tip tip:上胭脂手勢要打圓形,在太陽穴不妨加些光影,有提升面型的作用。

加拿大中文電台小 tip tip :多聽李婉華,因為隨時有驚喜。

Makeup artist G. Chan is known for making the plain people look pretty and the pretty people look amazing.  Recently she was in Vancouver and went on to Anita's Talk Show to talk about the latest makeup trend.    Just between you and me, while she was in town, she taught in a makeup workshop and the tuition to that 3-hour workshop was over $200.  But if you had listened to Anita's Talk Show, you learned a lot about makeup in a hour, for free.  Now that's a deal.

星級化妝師 Annie G. Chan 分享靚妝秘技 星級化妝師 Annie G. Chan 分享靚妝秘技

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《部份圖片來自Annie G. Chan Blog》