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聽說今年冬天溫哥華將會極其寒冷,但有朋相伴,自然溫暖在心頭。加拿大中文電台的聖誕派對,既溫馨又熱鬧,現在我們就到每張桌子坐一坐,打個招呼,說聲 Merry Christmas 吧!

電台 Xmas Party (4) 每枱坐一坐

Nothing beats the bitter cold weather better than a company of good friends and good food. On a chilly December night, the Fairchild Radio people gathered to celebrate the holiday as well as to thank each other for the friendship and the support. Let's go to each table and say "Merry Christmas" to our dear friends!

電台 Xmas Party (4) 每枱坐一坐

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