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為了兩張張學友演唱會門票,為了一 pair Canucks tickets,人們會付出甚麼代價?看看加拿大中文電台的聖誕派對就有分曉。

以 superheros 為主題的 costume 裝扮比賽,數十同事踴躍參與,所付出的心思和心血遠遠超過門票的價值,其實加拿大中文電台的員工一向努力工作之餘又努力玩樂,絶對live everyday to the fullest。


I am not sure if many of the Fairchild Radio staff are Jacky Cheung fans or Canucks fans, but when it was announced that the prizes of the costume contest at this year's Christmas party would be a pair of tickets to the Jacky Cheung concert or the Canucks game, the response was wild.

But come to think of it, the people at Fairchild Radio love to play, they are the true believers of the work-hard-play-hard motto.  Even if the prizes were a bag of peanuts, I am sure our colleagues would be equally excited.

Ladies and gentlemen, please take a look at some of the amazing costumes presented by the staff of Fairchild Radio.

電台 Xmas Party (3) Costume 著裝巡禮 電台 Xmas Party (3) Costume 著裝巡禮

電台 Xmas Party (3) Costume 著裝巡禮 電台 Xmas Party (3) Costume 著裝巡禮

觀看更多照片,for more photos, please click here.


Coming up tomorrow: Table Hopping