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「K-Beauty Trip 約會美麗 - 韓國美妝之旅」加拿大中大電台 帶你看實況

2017-11-19 (星期日)

「K-Beauty Trip 約會美麗 - 韓國美妝之旅」加拿大中大電台 帶你看實況

本網頁早前介紹過在 11 月 11 日於 Four Seasons Hotel 舉行的「約會美麗 - K-Beauty Trip 韓國美妝之旅」(K-Beauty Trip to Korea),由於預先登記超出預期,所以在報導後幾個小時,主辦機構已宣布除了有登記的人士,再不能接受其他人入場。反應如此熱烈,加拿大中文電台當然不能錯過,特別派員採訪並拍攝視頻,讓所有望門興嘆的朋友可以一睹展覽場內的盛況。

The hugely successful "K-Beauty Trip to Korea" took place on Nov 11 at Four Seasons Hotel. Due to the large number of people reserving tickets ahead of time, the organizer had to turn people away at the door. If you were unable to attend the event and are curious what happened inside, we have footage of the day. We even conducted an interview with the guest speaker Morgan Stewart of The Beauty Breakdown about skincare tips for Winter.

「約會美麗 - K-Beauty Trip 韓國美妝之旅」(K-Beauty Trip to Korea)韓國觀光公社(Korea Tourism Organization)主辦,Air Canada 贊助,場內有多家連鎖店設攤位售賣美妝用品,品牌包括 ARITAUMbelifDonginbiHANYULIOPELaneigeMamondeNature RepublicRacinneReveilSulwhasooTHE FACE SHOP 等等,最早入場的數百位朋友還有贈品,難怪萬人空巷。

但當日最大的亮點是這個美容展請來在網上大大有名的韓妝博主,The Beauty Breakdown 的 Morgan Stewart 親臨示範護膚和化妝方法,本台特別在開場前和 Morgan Stewart 做了一個簡短的訪問,講述秋冬的護膚重點和她本人的化妝心得。

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