加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤

今年的聖誕月,有一個適合全家欣賞的音樂舞蹈節目值得推介,這個吸引無數大小朋友出席的便是「胡桃夾子」(Goh Ballet's Nutcracker)!由傳統經典傑作「胡桃夾子」改編的芭蕾舞劇 The Nutcracker,將有加拿大國家芭蕾舞團溫哥華歌劇團成員負責舞蹈和現場演奏!加拿大中文電台更將在 12 月初送出多套入場券!記得鎖定 AM1470 及 FM961 的全線節目啦!

Featuring principal dancers from The National Ballet of Canada and musicians from The Vancouver Opera OrchestraGoh Ballet's Nutcracker will capture the imagination of  the entire family, transporting them on an unforgettable journey with Clara and her Prince. An unforgettable adventure awaits as her gallant Nutcracker battles the evil Mouse King and his army of mischievous mice. This heart-warming production is sure to delight audiences of all ages with more than 200 glittering costumes, dramatic sets and valuable lessons – all danced to Tchaikovsky’s memorable score performed live by members of The Vancouver Opera Orchestra.


「胡桃夾子」芭蕾舞劇將於 12月 15 至 20 日,在 The Centre of Vancouver (777 Homer Street) 隆重登場!被譽為世界上最優秀的芭蕾舞劇之一的 The Nutcraker,它之所以能吸引萬千的觀眾,一方面是由於它有華麗壯觀的場面、集美感和趣味的表演,另外更因其為柴科夫斯基的音樂賦予舞劇強烈的感染力!「胡桃夾子」是根據德國名作家霍夫曼的童話「胡桃夾子和鼠王」改編而成的,全劇共分兩幕,描繪了兒童的獨特天地。



加拿大中文電台 AM1470 & FM961 將在 12 月初送出多套「Goh Ballet's Nutcracker」入場券,更多票務詳情請登入 www.gohnutcracker.com。喜愛欣賞音樂和舞蹈的你,千萬不要錯過啦!先來一起看看芭蕾舞劇的精彩片段吧!

Goh Ballet’s The Nutcracker – Executive Director Chan Hon Goh from Goh Ballet on Vimeo.