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殤日(Remembrance Day源於英聯邦國家,於每年的 11 月 11 日舉行,加拿大人國殤日佩戴一種紅色的虞美人花(和罌粟花同屬不同種)紀念在第一次世界大戰、第二次世界大戰和其他戰爭中犧牲的軍人。選擇虞美人花作為襟花來自加拿大軍醫 John McCrae 的一首詩《在法蘭德斯戰場》(In Flanders Fields)因為第一次世界大戰最慘烈的戰場法蘭德斯盛開著虞美人花,而虞美人花的紅色正好代表壕溝中的鮮血。 

紅色虞美人花襟花通常佩戴在左胸腔襟花的花芯原是黑色,但於 1980 年至 2002 年期間,花芯曾一度被改為另一顏色,你知道是甚麼顏色嗎?

快到電台 facebook 參加競猜遊戲,動動腦筋吧!參加遊戲後,你可按「觀看結果」了解其他人選擇的答案。截止日期:11 月 10 日(星期四) 5pm (溫哥華時間)。正確答案將於 11 月 11 日國殤本台網頁 facebook 公佈。

In the lead-up to Remembrance Day, most of us choose to pin a red poppy above our hearts as a symbol of respect and solemn remembrance of those who had given their lives for our freedoms. Although the poppies were originally distributed with a black centre, it was changed to another color during 1980 to 2002, do you know what color it is? Answer the trivia question on facebook today.  Deadline: November 10, 2015 (Thursday) @ 5pm (Vancouver time). The correct answer will be revealed on Fairchild Radio website and facebook on November 11, the Remembrance Day

這問題是在 facebook 上進行,如果你參加遊戲時尚未以自己的帳戶登入,facebook 可能需要你輸入資料。若成功參加遊戲,畫面會彈出「感謝您抽空回答我們的問題」等字樣。 If you haven't logged in your facebook account when answering the question, you might be asked to log-in. Your answer will only be counted when a message that says "Thank you for your participation" appears on screen.