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亞洲小天王黃鴻升第一首詞、曲、製作包辦之作 -《自以為我以為》今天隆重登場!加拿大中文電台為你首播。

一首由黃鴻升譜曲、寫詞及製作的偶像劇插曲《自以為我以為》,流著他勇於挑戰自己的極致熱血,也是跨足創作型歌手的重要作品 ; 這一次,黃鴻升選擇用 ideas 讓更多人跟隨,挑戰過去 idol 的形象宣告成長,並與一同巡演的專屬樂團「鬼點子」編曲製作完成,建立屬於自己的「類寂寞文學」品牌,不論在文字或是音樂上,獨樹一格。其實,只要信仰一種態度並努力追尋,任何不可能都變得有可能,just dare to do! 

不完整也無所謂,即便沒學過作曲寫詞,黃鴻升也能透過精緻描述的文字抒發心情。「縱使這一秒擁有,下一秒失去,依舊選擇放手 ; 決心愛得純粹,即使在愛裡被判了死刑也不會後悔,哪怕再多不捨也只能道別」,這是黃鴻升的絕對成全,因為他不怕受傷,因為他勇敢去愛,dare to love!

Alien Huangalso known as 小鬼, is a Taiwanese singer, actor, TV presenter, lyricist, writer, illustrator and fashion designer. He was formerly part of Japanese TV Asahi's disbanded boy band HC3 in 2002 and Taiwanese Rock Records' disbanded boy band Cosmo (丸子) in 2003.

Later, as a solo artist, he has now released many albums and has acted important roles in numerous movies and television dramas. He is perhaps best known as presenter of a popular Taiwanese variety entertainment show, 100% Entertainment《娛樂百分百》. Fairchild Radio will be premiering his latest single 自以爲我以爲a song claiming his love concept - Dare to Love!