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相信許多對戲劇藝文活動有興趣的朋友一定都注意到了將於本週六(4/26)開始的Stage to Screen系列活動,日前AM1470盧玉鳳亦在自己的節目「度身訂造」當中,專訪了此活動的靈魂推手Katherine Brodsky


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Stage to Screen is a newly launched on-going series that seeks to bring some of North America’s top talent working in both theatre and film to Vancouver for an intimate one-of-a-kind experience. AM1470's host Mary Lu interviewed the main organizer of this event, Katherine Brodsky

Stage to Screen 盧玉鳳專訪戲劇創作分享會創辦人 Katherine Brodsky

於專訪當中Katherine Brodsky除了提到自己如何入行,與為何想要將Stage to Screen此系列活動帶入溫哥華之外,也特別介紹了本週六(4/26)此系列活動的第一場,與知名普立茲編劇獎得主David Auburn的見面會。本次見面會除了能與David近距離面談之外,亦觀賞與研討了他的知名作品"Proof""Girl in the Park"


Please Visit the following Link for more info on

"Stage to Screen" Events:
