加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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加拿大中文電台邀請你一起玩轉 Fair at the PNE!進入八月下旬,又到了一年一度的 PNE 太平洋國家展覽場園遊會(The Fair at the PNE),今年已是第 105 屆並將於 8 月 22 日至 9 月 7 日舉行,節目非常豐富多彩,最令人期待的包括在北美首演的音樂名劇「小飛俠 Peter Pan」、披頭四樂隊紀念品展、侏羅紀恐龍園區、甜甜圈長跑等全新活動,還有超過 35 場夏夜音樂會,仲夏晚間享受一場流行歌曲、鄉村音樂或搖滾樂帶來的清涼快樂;另外 PNE 抽獎屋、精釀啤酒節、Safeway 農場等,都是每年必備的傳統節目;當然還有世界各地美食,使 The Fair at the PNE 成為溫哥華人每年消夏的好場所,也更是這個夏末大溫最老少咸宜的遊樂好去處。更多活動詳情請瀏覽網站http://www.pne.ca/thefair/index.html


今年加拿大中文電台有幸贊助了 The Fair at the PNE Community Showcase,屆時將會在 Chevrolet Performance Stage 為大家帶來精彩的演出多元文化演出,時間為每天早上的 11:30am 以及下午的 1pm、3pm 和 4:30pm。

同時,加拿大中文電台也將送出 PNE 玩樂套票,每套包括入場券和機動遊戲通行證各兩張, 價值超過 $100。想要拿到它就在 8 月 18 日至 21日 留意收聽 AM1470 的「小心華之里」FM961 的「穎音楓報」「7 點 ZONE 了沒」,在遊戲時段中即場演繹興奮的尖叫聲,最投入和最神似的聽眾將會贏得 PNE 玩樂套票,遊戲熱線 604-271-1470(AM1470)和 604-295-9616(FM961)。

除此之外,在本台的 facebook 亦會送出同樣的 PNE 玩樂套票,如果你能回答一個簡單問題亦有機會參加抽獎。問題是甚麼?立即按此登入本台臉書便知分曉!


During August 22 to September 7 (closed Monday, August 24 & 31), this year’s The Fair at the PNE is full of returning favourites like SuperDogs and many shows and attractions that will be here one year only, such as The Broadway Musical "Peter Pan", over 35 new nightly concert acts, The Beatles Memorabilia Exhibition, Superhero Discovery Centre and Dinosaurs Alive! A Jurassic Experience. Also new this year - a brand new Craft Beer Fest, a perfect pairing to the 5th annual Vancouver Rib Festival and Dueling Pianos. Fairchild Radio is honored to be the title sponsor of Community Showcase on Chevrolet Performance Stage at the PNE, hours of performance at 11:30am, 1pm, 3pm and 4:30pm daily. Fairchild Radio is also giving away several prizes on AM1470 and FM961 from Aug 18 to 21, each prize will include 2 gate passes and 2 ride passes and the value is over $100. See this year’s exciting lineup of shows, attractions, food, and rides at http://www.pne.ca/thefair/index.html