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Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) Official Website 官方網頁
Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) 經已完美落幕,全場爆滿。8位 Sunshine Girlz 的比拼精神和特別表演嘉賓 SpeXial 的動感演出,讓現場600位觀眾度過一個精彩絕倫的晚上。經過兩小時的激烈比拼後,恭喜 #6 Michelle 謝皓晴 (圖中) 摘下 Sunshine Girlz 冠軍、#7 Suani 王甜甜 (圖右) 獲得「美容閣纖體護膚化妝品中心陽光魅力大獎」,至於 #4 Carmen 張嘉文 (圖左) 則奪得「豐參健康食品才藝大獎」和網上票選的「我最喜愛Sunshine大獎」。
更多Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) 精華及圖片集,請留意 9 月 4 日的報導。
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Congratulations to #6 Michelle Tse (centre) for being awarded the Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) Champion. #4 Carmen Cheung (left) won the Talent Award and online People's Choice Award whereas #7 Suani Rincon brought home the Best Charisma Award. Stay tuned for a detail coverage of Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) finale on September 4, 2015.
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