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謹向全球 SpeXial 粉絲報告,SpeXial宏正偉晉晨翔EvanTeddy 已經安全抵達溫哥華,今晚將會好好休息,明天一早開始緊密的行程,接受多家媒體專訪。下午 2pm 至 3:30pm,更會在本台的玻璃直播室接受「度身訂造」「穎音楓報」的拉闊訪問,SpeXial 的粉絲追星莫遲!

Yay, Wes, Wayne, Simon, Evan and Teddy of SpeXial have arrived Vancouver! Tomorrow at 2pm, they will appear at our glass-walled studio for live radio interviews.  If you want to see them in person, drop by our station at Aberdeen Centre!  By the way, 5 lucky winners of the "Love to Meet Spexial" game will attend our press conference tomorrow afternoon to meet SpeXial in person.  View some of their winning entries below.

SpeXial 登陸溫哥華「Love to Meet SpeXial 」得獎作品同步揭曉 SpeXial 登陸溫哥華「Love to Meet SpeXial 」得獎作品同步揭曉

另外,早前舉行的「Love to Meet SpeXial 短片徵集有獎遊戲」已經完滿結束,從過百位參賽者中,我們挑選了其中五位,出席明天舉行的「SpeXial 記者招待會」,他們將能和 SpeXial 合照,還可能有其他福利呢!作為粉絲,我最想和偶像 ...

今天讓我們看看其中三位被抽中出席的參賽者的作品,有親自上鏡的,亦有 slide show,當然少不了真摰的深情自白。其中 #57 的參賽者還是住在卡加利的朋友,今次為 SpeXial 打氣而專程前來溫哥華觀看 Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) ,這種誠意真是太讓人感動了!