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Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) Official Website 官方網頁

誰說 90 後的年輕人只懂得呆在家中打遊戲機或者逛街購物扮靚? 今天下午於本那比麗晶廣場舉行的 Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) 才藝表演, 8 位 Sunshine Girlz 的才藝叫人眼前一亮,她們除了歌藝精湛之外,舞蹈及樂器演奏更達到表演級的水準,深信於8月28日晚舉行的 Sunshine Nation 決賽夜,定必傷透大會評審的腦筋,去選出誰是「豐參健康食品才藝大獎」的得主。

更多Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) 才藝表演精華及圖片集,請留意 8 月 20 日的報導。

搶先看!Sunshine Nation Girlz SpeXial 才藝表演

Today's Sunshine Nation (Girlz SpeXial) Talent Show is just a warm up for our 8 Sunshine Girlz. In less than 2 weeks, they will compete for the Talent Award and Championship in front of a panel of profoessional judges and 600 audience at the Sunshine Nation finale. On August 18, we will have a detail coverage of how impressive their talents and skills is.

搶先看!Sunshine Nation Girlz SpeXial 才藝表演