在剛過去的聖誕節,派對一個接一個,燒烤、自助餐、火鍋、到會 ... 美食當前,難以抗拒,面對各種誘惑,有時候大家平日的「定力」會把持不定,開始暴飲暴食,體重紛紛淪陷。美國 Cornell University 的研究顯示,聖誕派對中大吃大喝,平均體重會上升 1.3 磅。今年的聖誕節經已過去,你有增磅嗎?
Studies from Cornell University shows that on average, people’s weight increased about 1.3 pounds during the Christmas-New Year’s season. How much weight did you gain this Christmas?
截止日期 Deadline: December 29, 2018.
1. 食得比較精明,體重不變 Eat smarter, body weight remains the same.
2. 重了 1 - 2 磅 Gained 1 - 2 pounds.
3. 重了 3 - 4 磅 Gained 3 - 4 pounds.
4. 天啊! 重了 5 磅以上 OMG! Gained more than 5 pounds.