POLL 民意調查

橫山輸油管擴建工程 Yes 或 No? [已完結]

橫山輸油管擴建工程 Yes 或 No? [已完結]

For the past 10 years, the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project which will transport bitumen crude oil from Alberta to Burnaby, BC certainly is a controversial issue. While the federal, BC and Alberta governments have different viewpoints on this project, the company constructing the pipeline has suspended all “non-essential” investment and given May 31, 2018 as the deadline for the final decision of this $7.4 billion project. Do you support or against the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project?

將稀釋瀝青由亞省運送到卑詩省本那比市的橫山輸油管擴建工程,過去十年爭議聲音不絕,正當聯邦、亞省及本省政府對相關工程各持己見時,負責興建輸油管的 KINDER MORGAN 公司已停止所有涉及工程的非必要投資, 並將 5 月 31 日訂為是否繼續這項總值 74 億工程的最後限期。對於橫山輸油管擴建工程,你支持還是反對?

截止日期: 4pm @ April 23 (Monday)。

4 月 23 日的「專題熱線」(5pm @ AM1470) 亦會公佈調查結果。

贊成 Agree

贊成 Agree

反對 Disagree

反對 Disagree

無意見 No comment

無意見 No comment
