Winter Warm Wave 寒衣送暖流收集地點公佈
November 18, 2019, 12:00 am



收集寒衣的地點包括大溫加拿大救世軍二手店、列治文 Automind 車身修理中心,以及時代坊二樓的加拿大中文電台(電台代收衣物只在指定日期進行,詳情請看內文)。

Winter Warm Wave is back! Ruthless cold breaks may hit Vancouver this winter, people are starting to pull out their winter coats, jackets, boots, hats, gloves, scarves, warm layers and comforters, but not everyone has access to such everyday luxuries. That is why the annual Winter Warm Wave Cloth Donation Drive for The Salvation Army Canada is so vital. Every time you donate your unwanted clothing to The Salvation Army, you are helping those less fortunate. The Cloth Donation Drive runs from Nov 18, 2019 to Jan 2, 2020.  To find a drop-off location near you, please check out the locations and dates listed below.

2019 寒衣收集站地點 Winter Warm Wave collection locations

1. 大溫各區 Metro Vancouver (11/18, 2019 - 1/2, 2020)
由即日起至 2020 年 1 月 2 日,請把家中多餘的舊衣、鞋、棉被、書籍、玩具和日用品帶到以下 10 個收集站,加拿大救世軍將會妥善處理,代你捐給有需要的家庭或作慈善用途:

溫哥華 - 261 East 12th Avenue 救世軍二手店(近 Main Street)

溫哥華 - 2714 West Broadway 救世軍二手店(近 Macdonald Street)

溫哥華 - 8384 Granville Street 救世軍二手店(近 West 70th Avenue)

溫哥華 - 1906 West 4th Avenue 救世軍二手店(近 Burrard Street)

北溫 - 241 Lonsdale Avenue救世軍二手店(近 3rd Avenue)

北溫 - 30 Riverside Drive, North Shore Transfer Station

二埠 - 774 Columbia Street 救世軍二手店(近 Eighth Street)

本拿比 - 4855 Still Creek Avenue, Still Creek Recycling

高貴林港 - 2275 Elgin Avenue 救世軍二手店(近 Shaughnessy Street)

列治文 - Unit 120, 2840 Olafsen Avenue, Richmond, AutoMind Collision Richmond(近 No. 5 Road)

2. 電台辦事處代收舊衣物 @ Fairchild Radio (12/9 - 12/13)
12 月 9 日 - 12 月 13 日 (Mon - Fri) 9:30am - 6pm 加拿大中文電台辦事處 (列治文時代坊 2090 室) 將代收舊衣物,之後會轉交加拿大救世軍

3. 送暖有禮日 Give the Gift of Warmth (12/15)
12 月 15 日 (Sun) 12pm - 4pm 加拿大中文電台門外將設置收集攤位,並由 2019 年的 Sunshine Nation 擔任暖流大使。凡捐出 5 磅或以上的舊衣物,又或者你有下載加拿大中文電台的 APP,均可參加幸運輪抽獎,贏取豐富獎品,包括招財貓、家具用品及文具。數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

幸運大抽獎只在 12 月 15 日 12pm - 4pm 「送暖有禮日」當天進行。