水獺闖入華埠中山公園吃掉多條池中錦鯉,溫哥華公園局在園內嘗試設置捕捉器以及放置誘餌,但水獺仍然逃過工作人員的誘捕,事件已經進入第 10 天,令死亡的錦鯉增加到 10 條。園內本有 14 條錦鯉,目前只剩下 4 條存活,其中 1 條更已被移至溫哥華水族館。外界目前討論是否應該將水獺射殺和拯救錦鯉的行動應如何進行,你對此事有何看法?
The hungry otter that has been munching through the koi at Vancouver’s Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Garden has managed to elude capture. What do you think the Garden should do in order to save the kois? Poll ends tomorrow (Nov 28) @ 4:30pm. Result will also be reviewed at the "News Hotline" radio program at 5pm on AM1470 tomorrow.
截止日期 : 明天 (11 月 28 日) @ 4:30pm。明天的「專題熱線」(5pm @ AM1470) 亦會公佈調查結果。
〈照片來源 Photo source:華埠中山公園 Twitter〉