Little Sunshine 網上至 LIKE 大獎 [已完結]

2018 Little Sunshine「網上至 LIKE 大獎」的得主是 #6 Renee 邵懷恩。The People's Choice Award goes to Little Sunshine #6 Renee Shiu.


遊戲經已結束,多謝你的參與。Voting has ended. Thank you for your participation.


今年 Little Sunshine 參賽者水準極高,故此入圍人數從以往的 8 人增加至今年的 10 人,這 5 男 5 女的小明星,年齡由 4 歲至 11 歲不等。哥哥姐姐們、叔叔阿姨們,請投票支持這班可愛的小萌友吧!

以下 10 位 Little Sunshine,哪位最可愛?誰得你歡心呢?獲得最多網民支持的 Little Sunshine 將會成為「網上至 LIKE 大獎」的得主。得獎結果將於 10 月 27 日決賽當日揭曉。

Let's welcome the following 2018 Little Sunshine contestants. Who do you like most? The Little Sunshine with the highest number of votes will win the title of the "2018 Little Sunshine People's Choice Award". Voting result will be announced at the Little Sunshine Finale held on October 27 (Sat) 2:30pm at Yaohan Centre. Show your support by casting your vote today!

截止投票 Deadline for voting: October 26 (Fri) 11:59pm (Vancouver time).

* 每個 IP 地址只能投票一次 Each IP address can vote only once.

#1 Alvin Chao 林承樂 (5 歲)
#1 Alvin Chao 林承樂 (5 歲)Video
#2 Max Wong 黃柏僖 (6 歲)
#2 Max Wong 黃柏僖 (6 歲)Video
#3 Lucas Xu 徐子豪 (7 歲)
#3 Lucas Xu 徐子豪 (7 歲)Video
#4 Nathan Yue 余卓奇 (9 歲)
#4 Nathan Yue 余卓奇 (9 歲)Video
#5 Aidan Chung 鍾誌信 (9 歲)
#5 Aidan Chung 鍾誌信 (9 歲)Video
#6 Renee Shiu 邵懷恩 (11 歲)
#6 Renee Shiu 邵懷恩 (11 歲)Video
#7 Sophia Shen 譚婳 (11 歲)
#7 Sophia Shen 譚婳 (11 歲)Video
#8 Serena Qu 曲芯瑩 (7 歲)
#8 Serena Qu 曲芯瑩 (7 歲)Video
#9 Naomi Chang 張畇喬 (5 歲)
#9 Naomi Chang 張畇喬 (5 歲)Video
#10 Gloria Wang 王家璇 (4 歲)
#10 Gloria Wang 王家璇 (4 歲)Video