恭喜以下 3 位得獎者 Congratulations to the following winners:
1. Mack Yuen (604-726-XXXX)
2. Huong Shii Ting (604-603-XXXX)
3. Kai Shing Leung (778-636-XXXX)
得獎者將獲個別通知領獎事宜。 Winners will be notified individually.
遊戲正確答案是 Nissan。
The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. The answer is Nissan. Winners will be announced soon.
1 Click 參加, 4 人同行!
溫哥華國際車展 Auto Show 於 3 月 28 日至 4 月 1 日 火辣登場,今年展出超過一百款新車及多款概念車,當中的概念車 Rogue Dogue 配備大量為寵物設計的裝置,如方便狗狗上下車的坡道、淋浴以及烘乾器。
At the 2018 Vancouver International Auto Show, there is a concept car custom-fitted for pets. Concept car Rogue Dogue features a hammock, wash-and-dry system, water and food dispensers and a ramp.
問題 Question:
Rogue Dogue 是由哪一家車廠研發的呢? Do you know Rogue Dogue is built by which car company?
提示 Hint:
電台網頁在 3 月 20 日有一篇文章介紹溫哥華國際車展,答案就在其中。Answer can be found in the Vancouver International Auto Show article @ Fairchild Radio website, posted on March 20.
得獎人數 Number of winners: 3
每人各得 4 張溫哥華國際車展入場門票 Each winner will get 4 Vancouver International Auto Show admission tickets
遊戲截止日期 Game Deadline: March 22, 2018
每個 IP 地址只能投票一次。Only one vote per IP address.
答案將於 3 月 23 日公佈。得獎者獲個別通知領獎時宜。Answer will be announced on March 23. Winners will be notified individually.