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2020 Dine Out Vancouver 的舉行日期是?[已完結]

2020 Dine Out Vancouver 的舉行日期是?[已完結]

遊戲已經結束,多謝你的參與。 遊戲的問題是:「2020 Dine Out Vancouver 的舉行日期是?」正確答案是「C. 1/17 - 2/2」。

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. Question of the Game: "When will 2020 Dine Out Vancouver take place?" The correct answer is "C. 1/17 - 2/2".

遊戲的得獎者 The winner is:Alice Tam 604-xxx-3298

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加拿大中文電台送你 Dine Out Vancouver 餐券價值 $75,可供二人到位於 Renfrew Street 的 Whiskey Six BBQ 享用 3 道菜式的西式燒烤晚餐!想答中以下的選擇題並參加抽獎,請瀏覽本台網頁和手機 App 在 1 月 10 日刊出的 Hot Topics 文章,答案就在其中!

問題是:「2020 Dine Out Vancouver 的舉行日期是?」

遊戲截止日期及規則:1 月 12 日 (11:59pm @ PST);每個 IP 地址只能投票一次,新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加。

結果公佈:遊戲答案將於 1 月 13 日在本文刊出,得獎者將獲個別通知,但亦可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。

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Fairchild Radio is giving away a $75 dining coupon sponsored by Dine Out Vancouver. The coupon can be used at Whiskey Six BBQ to enjoy a 3-course West Coast barbeque dinner for two. Simply read the Hot Topics article on Fairchild Radio's web and app on Jan 10, you will have no trouble picking the right answer from the following choices.

Question: "When will 2020 Dine Out Vancouver take place?"

Game Deadline and Rules: Jan 12, 2020 (11:59pm @ PST). Maximum one vote per IP address. Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not qualified to enter.

Winner announcement: Result will be announced here on Jan 13. Winner will be notified individually, or the winner can contact Fairchild Radio at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption details.

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選擇 Choices:

A. 1/15 - 1/31

B. 1/16 - 2/1

C. 1/17 - 2/2