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VOTE 票選活動

SSN - 我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎 People’s Choice Award [已完結]

SSN - 我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎 People’s Choice Award [已完結]

2019 Sunshine Nation「我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」的得主是 #4 何廷威。The People's Choice Award goes to Sunshine Boyz #4 Brian Ho .

大會從參加投票者中抽出了一位幸運兒,贏得 $100 餐廳現金代用券,而這位得獎者是 Jacky (778-829-XXXX)。得獎者將獲個別通知,亦可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。 Jacky is the lucky winner who had been drawn from the pool of participates in the People's Choice Award online voting. He will be notified to arrange prize redemption.


投票已經結束,多謝你的參與。 2019 Sunshine Nation「我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」的得主將於 8 月 23 日晚上在 Sunshine Nation 決賽中公佈,屆時亦將在台上抽出得獎的投票者。以上結果將於 8 月 24 日起在本文公佈。

The voting has ended. Thank you for your participation. Winner of 2019 Sunshine Nation "People's Choice Award" will be announced at Sunshine Nation Final on August 23. Voter who will be awarded $100 restaurant gift certificate will also be drawn on stage. Both results will be announced here starting August 24.


8 位 Sunshine Boyz and Girlz 當中,哪一位是你的最愛呢? 他們現正積極備戰,於 8 月 23 日舉行 的 Sunshine Nation 決賽夜中以最 FIT 的狀態穿梭於舞台上,競逐冠軍及多個獎項。他們極需要你的支持,因為網上票選「我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」的結果是由網民來決定。請即投選你心中的摯愛,得票最高的參賽者將獲得該項殊榮,而所有參與投票的人士均自動進入大抽獎,贏取 $100 餐廳現金購物券。

8 Sunshine Boyz & Girlz need your help because you have the say to decide who is the winner of 2019 Sunshine Nation “People’s Choice Award”. The finalist with the most votes will receive the Award title, and everyone participates will automatically enter the super lucky draw to win $100 restaurant gift certificates. Pick your favorite Sunshine Boyz or Girlz and cast your vote today!

• 得獎人數 Number of winner: 1

• 每個 IP 地址只能投票一次 Only one vote per IP address

• 新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加 Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not qualified to enter

• 截止投票日期 Deadline for voting: August 21, 2019

查看票選結果及得獎名單 Voting Result and Winner Announcement:
票選結果及得獎名單於 8 月 23 日舉行的 Sunshine Nation 決賽夜揭盅;大家亦可於 8 月 24 日起,瀏覽電台網頁 及 APP「VOTE」欄目中的「SSN - 我最喜愛 Sunshine 大獎」得知票選及抽獎結果。得獎者將會獲得個別通知,亦可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。

Starting from August 24, voting result and winner will be announced on Fairchild Radio's website and APP, in the "VOTE" category's "SSN - People's Choice Award". Winner will be notified individually or the winner can contact Fairchild Radio at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption.

更多 2019 Sunshine Nation 詳情:


#1 Steven Yang 楊翔宇

#1 Steven Yang 楊翔宇

#2 Daniel Ge 葛頌

#2 Daniel Ge 葛頌

#3 Vincent Zhang 章伯軒

#3 Vincent Zhang 章伯軒

#4 Brian Ho 何廷威

#4 Brian Ho 何廷威

#5 Arale Cheung 張禧佟

#5 Arale Cheung 張禧佟

#6 Vivian Szeto 司徒穎琪

#6 Vivian Szeto 司徒穎琪

#7 Melissa Tieu 蕭美如

#7 Melissa Tieu 蕭美如

#8 Jessy Wu 吳杰茜

#8 Jessy Wu 吳杰茜
