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贏 4 張 Science World 入場券!還可玩「鏡子迷宮」![已完結]

贏 4 張 Science World 入場券!還可玩「鏡子迷宮」![已完結]

遊戲經已結束,多謝你的參與。 遊戲的問題是:視頻內 Reijen 要用尺量 Cathy 的臉,並說她臉上的哪個部位會有黃金比例?答案是:C. 耳朵。

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. Question of the Game: In the video Reijen tries to measure Cathy's face with a ruler and said a part of her face may have the Golden Ratio. Which part of Cathy's face is he talkng about? The correct answer: C. Ears.

遊戲的得獎者 Winner:Anthony Lam 778-xxx-1769。


溫哥華科學館(Science World)由現在起至 9 月 3 日止舉行的「鏡子迷宮 - 大自然中的數學」展覽(A Mirror Maze - Numbers in Nature),是今年最令人期待的互動科學展,加拿大中文電台不但拍攝了視頻為大家介紹其中特色,還送你 4 張 Science World 成人入場券,總值 $110!更多關於「鏡子迷宮 - 大自然中的數學」展覽詳情,可瀏覽 Science World 中文網頁 www.ScienceWorld.ca/Chinese。

由 4 月 25 日至 27 日,只要你能在以下的 3 項選擇中選出正確答案,即有機會參加抽獎,贏取 Science World 成人入場券 4 張(七天可用,有效期至 2019 年 9 月 3 日),獎品總值 $110!電台網頁在 4 月 25 日有一篇文章專題介紹是次展覽,並在同日的 Facebook 及微博上載了一個視頻,觀看視頻就能輕鬆找到答案。

遊戲截止日期: 4 月 27 日 (11:59pm @ PST);每個 IP 地址只能投票一次,新時代集團員工及其家屬不能參加。

遊戲答案將於 4 月 28 日公佈;得獎者將獲個別通知,而得獎名單將由 4 月 28 日起在本文刊出,歡迎大家前往電台網頁及手機 app「Online Games」欄目中的「贏 4 張 Science World 入場券玩鏡子迷宮」一文,查看有否中獎,中獎的朋友可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。

問題:視頻內 Reijen 要用尺量 Cathy 的臉,並說她臉上的哪個部位會有黃金比例?

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From Apr 25 to 27, if you can select the correct answer from the following 3 choices, you will have a chance to win Four (4) Adult General Admission Tickets to Science World to tour the Mirror Maze as well as to see their other wonderful exhibits. Tickets are valid 7 days a week until Sept 3, 2019, total value $110. Fairchild Radio has published a Hot Topic article on Apr 25 and the answer can be found in the embedded video inside the article. For more information of Science World and "A Mirror Maze, Numbers in Nature", please visit www.ScienceWorld.ca.

Game Deadline: Apr 27, 2019 (11:59pm @ PST). Maximum one vote per IP address. Fairchild Group staff and their immediate family members are not qualified to enter.

Answer will be announced on Apr 28. Winner will be notified individually. You are also welcome to check this article starting Apr 28 by visiting our web / app's "Online Games" category and see if you are the lucky winner. If you are, you can contact us at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption details.

Question: In the video Reijen tries to measure Cathy's face with a ruler and said a part of her face may have the Golden Ratio. Which part of Cathy's face is he talkng about?

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請從以下的三個選擇中選一個作答 Please pick one of these three choices as your answer:

A. 頭髮 Hair

B. 眼睫毛 Eyelashes

C. 耳朵 Ears