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贏 4 張 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 入場門票 [已完結

贏 4 張 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 入場門票 [已完結

遊戲經已結束,多謝你的參與。 遊戲正確答案是 C:2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 的舉行日期是 9 月 20 日至 23 。

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. The answer is C: 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event will take place from Sept 20 to 23.

得獎者 Winner: Angel Wong 604-xxx-3056.


2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 將於 9 月在 Abbotsford 的 Tradex 展覽中心舉行,加拿大中文電台送你 4 張成人入場券(價值 $32),讓你和家人朋友一睹今年造型最新穎、設計最先進的 RV 旅行車!但到底今年 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 的舉行日期是哪四天呢?提示:電台網頁在 9 月 7 日有一篇文章介紹 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event,答案就在其中,你亦可瀏覽活動網頁 www.rvshowsbc.com/snowbird/ 找尋答案。

Fairchild Radio is giving away 4 adult tickets to Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event that will take place at Abbotford's Tradex. But do you know the dates of this event? Hint can be found in Fairchild Radio website's Sept 7 Hot Topics article. Or you can search the organizer's website at www.rvshowsbc.com/snowbird/

得獎人數 Number of winner: 1

獎品 Prize: 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 入場券 4 張(價值 $32) 4 admission tickets to 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event, a total value of $32.

遊戲截止日期 Game Deadline: Sept 9, 2018 (11:59pm @ PST)

答案將於 9 月 10 日公佈。Answer will be announced on Sept 10.

得獎者將獲個別通知,而得獎名單將由 9 月 10 日起在本文刊出,歡迎大家前往電台網頁及手機 app「Online Games」欄目中的「贏 4 張 2018 Snowbird RV Show & Sale Event 入場門票」一文,查看有否中獎,中獎的朋友可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。

Winner will be notified individually. You are also welcome to check this article starting Sept 10 by visiting our web / app's "Online Games" category and see if you are the lucky winner. If you are, you can contact us at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption details.

每個 IP 地址只能投票一次。Only one vote per IP address.

選擇 Choices:

Sept 17 - 20, 2018
Sept 19 - 22, 2018
Sept 20 - 23, 2018