贏 4 張 Pixar 背後的科學展 入場門票 (價值 $132) [已完結]

贏 4 張 Pixar 背後的科學展 入場門票 (價值 $132) [已完結]

遊戲經已結束,多謝你的參與。 遊戲正確答案是 A Bug's Life。

The game has ended. Thank you for your participation. The answer is A Bug's Life.

得獎者 Winner: Michael 604-782-xxxx.


正在 Science World 舉行的《Pixar 背後的科學展》,展示了 Pixar 故事背後的藝術創作技術。在展館中 DJ Ella 和 Patty 走進了動畫片的場景,並從螞蟻的角度去看這個世界,請問這個場景是來自哪部 Pixar 的動畫呢?

Fairchild Radio DJ Ella & Patty got a chance to see the world from an ant’s point of view at the "The Science Behind Pixar" which is taken place at the Science World. Do you know this model comes from which Pixar's animation?

提示 Hint:電台網頁在 7 月 10 日有一篇文章介紹 《Pixar 背後的科學展》,答案就在其中。Hint can be found in the article about "The Science Behind Pixar", dated July 10 @ Fairchild Radio website.

得獎人數 Number of winner: 1

獎品 Prize: 4 張《Pixar 背後的科學展》入場門票(價值 $132) 4 admission tickets to "The Science Behind Pixar", a total value of $132.

遊戲截止日期 Game Deadline: July 12, 2018 (11:59pm @ PST)

答案將於 7 月 13 日公佈。Answer will be announced on July 13.

得獎者將獲個別通知,而得獎名單將由 7 月 13 日起在本文刊出,歡迎大家前往電台網頁及手機 app「Online Games」欄目中的「贏 4 張 Pixar 背後的科學展 入場門票」一文,查看有否中獎,中獎的朋友可致電 604-295-1234 查詢領獎詳情。

Winner will be notified individually. You are also welcome to check this article starting July 13 by visiting our web / app's "Online Games" category and see if you are the lucky winner. If you are, you can contact us at 604-295-1234 to arrange prize redemption details.

每個 IP 地址只能投票一次。Only one vote per IP address.

The Incredibles
Toy Story
Monsters, Inc.
A Bug's Life