贏 《FATHER FIGURES》禮品包 + $25 現金購買卡 [已完結]
遊戲正確答案是 A. 孖生兄弟。
1. Angel Chau (778-318-xxxx)
2. Suk Han Chow (604-438-xxxx)
回答以下問題參加大抽獎,贏取 《FATHER FIGURES》 禮品包及 $25 現金購物卡。Simply answer the following question and you will get a chance to win a gift pack from "FATHER FIGURES" as well as a $25 pre-paid credit card.
名額 Winners :2 (得獎名單將於本台網頁公佈,而得獎者亦會獲個別通知 Winners will be notified accordingly and their names will be published on Fairchild Radio website)
遊戲截止日期 Deadline for contest: December 22.
Q: Owen Wilson 和 Ed Helms 在影片中是甚麼關係?What is the relationship of Owen Wilson and Ed Helms in the movie of "FATHER FIGURES"?