RCMP warned the public about an emerging and relatively sophisticated phone fraud scheme which has already cost at least five victims in Toronto more than $5 million, and which might already be targeting people elsewhere in Canada. If you have ever received any phone scam, what is the call purporting to be? 電話騙案近年急增,騙徒最新手法是假借加拿大「911 應急中心」之名義行騙,目前已知有最少 5 名加拿大人受騙,共損失 $510 萬元,詐騙集團有可能向加國其他省份的居民下手。皇家騎警作出呼籲,如果收受到不明來歷的電話或短訊,大家必須提高警覺,以免墮入騙局。 如果你也曾收過懷疑是詐騙集團的來電或短訊,歹徒以什麼身份來向你行騙呢? 截止日期: April 20 (Friday)。