加拿大中文電台 x 新時代電視送大禮
加拿大中文電台為答謝聽眾超過 30 年來的支持,與新時代電視攜手每日送大禮,讓您隨時隨地輕鬆贏取窩心禮物,包括終極大獎:溫哥華來回香港機票兩張!
從 3 月 10 日起,逢星期一至五,鎖定 AM1470 及FM961全線節目,主持人會不定時邀請聽眾通過本台網站、電話、WhatsApp、FR APP或社交平台參與互動;而新時代電視亦會在螢幕黃金時段顯示當天問題及其遊戲玩法。每天都會有一位幸運兒被抽中,獲得別具心思的精選禮物。您天天玩,我們日日送!
參加遊戲截止時間為當天 11:59pm,得獎者將獲個別通知,而獲獎名單亦會於此遊戲專頁內公佈,逢星期二更新。
FR x FTV Giveaway
To express gratitude for our listeners' support over the past 30 years, Fairchild Radio (FR), in collaboration with Fairchild Television (FTV), is giving away daily prizes starting from March 10. All participants will automatically enter the grand draw for a chance to win two round-trip economy tickets on Hong Kong Airlines between Vancouver and Hong Kong!
Tune in to Fairchild Radio AM1470 and FM96.1 Monday to Friday and engage with program hosts through our website, phone, WhatsApp, FR APP, or social media. Alternatively, watch Fairchild Television's daily prime-time questions on screen. Each day, one lucky winner will receive a special gift from Fairchild Radio and Fairchild Television. Deadline for entry is 11:59pm daily. Winners will be notified accordingly and posted on this page (updated every Tuesday).
March Special Gifts: To celebrate the travel season, this month's featured prizes are travel accessories to ensure a worry-free and enjoyable trip for you and your family.