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號外號外!Sunshine 冠軍又上頭條!

2011 Sunshine Nation 冠軍 Fionn Wiens 在大除夕晚於時代坊為加拿大中文電台表演古箏,清純的氣質、優雅的儀態,與古箏的悠揚樂韻配合得天衣無縫,霎時間鎂光燈閃個不停。在場的 Richmond News 記者捕捉了 Fionn 最美麗的神情,並將照片大篇幅放在 Richmond News 1 月 25 日的頭版上。

Sunshine 冠軍 Fionn 成報紙封面人物

Look who's on the cover of January 25's Richmond News? Our very own 2011 Sunshine Nation Champion Fionn Wiens!  Fionn, together with fellow Sunshine people, Little Sunshine and Fairchild Radio DJs, performed in front of a full house at Aberdeen Centre on the Chinese New Year's Eve (Jan 22).  Fionn's charm and grace were in perfect harmony with her soothing guzheng music and it caught the professional eyes of the Richmond News reporter to capture this beautiful moment.