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We are all very excited about the new images of Fairchild Radio DJs in the Golden Classics Gala. How do they look on the poster? Their images are inspired by various 50s-80s Asian superstars. Can you tell who they are??

前幾天,我們看過李婉華林黛造型、邵蔚華徐小鳳狄寶娜摩亞超deep V 性感甄妮look,你們不妨猜猜阿愷李稼軒劉沛龍SamJaneJennie的懷舊造型,靈感是來自那幾位50至80年代的歌星呢? 答案將日後陸續揭曉,密切留意。

華麗金曲夜餐券的銷售情況十分熱烈 。 噢!不是,是非常十分熱烈! 餐券已所餘無幾,購票真的要從速啊!

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