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踏入龍年,FM96.1傳來連番喜事。假如大家心水清的話,也許會發現這個星期是幾位國語DJ的大日子, 家儀 AprilFred杰拉德Ginny李方王麗玲的baby滿月喇!

噢! 請大家不要會錯意,我所指的是他們的新節目經已播出一個月了,你對他們的new baby有何看法呢?不如讓我為大家揭開他們咪前咪後的神秘面紗吧!

We have been receiving on-going positive comments of FM96.1's new programs since January 1, 2012. Let's celebrate their 1-month anniversary by revealing the hidden side of these talented program hosts.  Do you know what they like to do behind the microphone? 

FM 新節目滿月宴-Ki Wi 天空

家儀是一位爽朗而對身邊事物充滿好奇的女孩子。於Ki Wi天空  (FM96.1, M - F, 8pm) 節目中,家儀與你探討一些大家可能誤解或道聽途說的事,並分享啟發性的小故事,讓大家從不同角度世界。

Jessica Chou is a girl who always wear a smile on her face. In her iconic show Ki Wi Sky (FM96.1, M - F, 8pm), you will discover her other side when she explores myths and wonders of the world. These stories might strike you and inspire many in a surprising way.


明日預告 Upcoming tomorrow: 樂聽樂輕鬆 Fred's A Relaxing Day

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