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Zodiac (3) 粵語新聞組拜年 & 馬羊猴運程



A smile a day, keep the troubles away. Fairchild Radio Cantonese New Team wish you joy and happiness on the third day of Lunar New Year, and please remember...

"Little keys open big locks, simple words reflect great thoughts, your smile cure heart blocks, so keep on smiling as it rocks!"

Zodiac (3) 粵語新聞組拜年 & 馬羊猴運程

 馬 The Year of the Horse1942 1954 1966 1978 1990 2002 
 龍年可說是馬人危機四伏 凶神滿佈的一年。應當多留意家居風水,亦應盡快往寺廟、道觀、教堂祈福化煞,如此一來馬人很大機會避過災難,二來龍年會繼續吉祥。

Good deeds improve your luck.
 羊 The Year of the Sheep 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003

Always prepare for the worst.
 猴 The Year of the Monkey1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004

Hard work is being recognized but may suffer from legal conflicts.


相關文章 related articles : 
國語 DJ 拜年 & 兔龍蛇運程 Chinese Zodiac (Rabbit, Dragon, Snake)  
粵語 DJ 拜年 & 鼠牛虎運程 Chinese Zodiac (Rat, Ox, Tiger)