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FM961 2012 新年新氣象!

星期一至五,晚上 7pm,Ginny杰拉德準時登場,全新精華版「7 點 Zone 了沒」,給你開心一小時!

晚上 8pm,打開「Ki Wi天空」家儀帶你從不同角度看世界。

晚上 9pm,April 請你放慢腳步,放鬆心情,和她一起用「心•呼吸」

A new look for the new year, FM961 has a new line up starting January 1!

Monday to Friday starting at 7pm, Ginny and Gerald welcome you in the "7pm Zone"Then at 8pm, Jessica of "Ki Wi Sky" is creative and carefree, with sky's the limit. April is starting a solo program called "Breathing Soul Deep" that focuses on the art of living. Make sure you tune in at 9pm.

Ginny & 杰拉德
Ginny & 杰拉德
 李方 & 王麗玲
李方 & 王麗玲


下午 3pm「週末雙響炮」加料炮製,李方王麗玲,男人女人兩個視野,兩種想法,精彩話題讓你久久回味。

傍晚 6pm,音樂達人 Fred 用好歌送你一小時的輕鬆愉快,就在全新節目「樂聽越輕鬆」

On Saturday at 3pm, George and Lillian's star program "Double Happiness" will spice things up from man and woman's perspectives. Music lover Fred is hosting a new show at 6pm called "A Relaxing Day".  With his great music and fun topics, you sure will thank god it's Saturday!

查看節目表,for program schedule, please click here.