加拿大中文電台 AM1470 FM96.1

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2011寒衣送暖流自11月21日開始,至今三個星期共籌得 25.3 噸的舊衣物,多謝各界支持。今個星期日(12月18日) 1pm 至 5pm,加拿大中文電台又再在時代坊設置送暖有禮攤位收集寒衣,2011 Sunshine Nation 的冠軍 Fionn 陸曉安、「友誼大獎」及「愛•分享大獎」得主 Kevin 方泓元、充滿 sunshine 氣息的 Annie 方嘉欣和 Sympascho 楊思昊,更會和今年的 Little Sunshine 齊齊做義工,在攤位內整埋衣物及計算重量。

如果你家?有舊衣、棉被、書本、玩具甚至 CD、DVD,歡迎你帶來時代坊捐給加拿大救世軍,凡捐出五磅或以上的物品,即獲贈 Shake Shake 暖袋一對,每人限換一份,數量有限,先到先得,送完即止。

加拿大中文電台地址列治文時代坊 2090 室。

Fionn 陸曉安
Kevin 方泓元
Annie 方嘉欣
Sympascho 楊思昊

Since its launch on Nov 21, the 2011 Winter Warm Wave has successfully raised 25.3 tons of used clothing for the Salvation Army.  Although that's a pretty impressive figure for being halfway of the 6-week drive, Fairchild Radio is not slacking off. This coming Sunday, Dec 18, between 1pm and 5pm, Fairchild Radio will once again set up the Winter Warm Wave booth outside of its office to collect used clothing items.  The 2011 Sunshine Nation finalists including Champion Fionn Wiens, Friendship Award / Love-to-Share Award winner Kevin Fang, Annie Fang and Sympascho Young will work as volunteers at the collection booth.  The super cute Little Sunshine 2011 will also be there to lend a hand.

Anyone who donates 5 pounds or more of used clothing, blankets or toys will receive a pair of pocket warmers, one gift per person while quantites last.

Now's the time to clean up your closet and see if you have anything to donate to the Salvation Army, giving the gift of warmth.

Fairchild Radio is located at unit 2090 of Aberdeen Centre in Richmond.