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寒衣送暖流 Winter Warm Wave Clothing Drive

幕後花絮 Behind-the-Scenes

俗語有云:「助人為快樂之本」,幫助他人不分時域地限。日前身為暖流大使的兩位2011 Sunshine Nation冠軍Sam李志森及Fionn陸曉安,為「2011寒衣送暖流」的宣傳活動忙過不停。他們以現代、民初及粵劇裝扮的百變形象帶出「助人乃千載不變、人間經典的定律」訊息,呼籲大家一齊共襄善舉。他倆從粵劇造型以至造手,均接受專業導師指導,一切都力臻完美。由於Sam及Fionn從小接受西方教育,甚少機會接觸粵劇這門藝術,故拍攝宣傳片時鬧出不少笑話。

2011 Sunshine Nation Champions Sam & Fionn transformed themselves into various images to deliver the message of “ kindness is timeless, love is so easy to give” in the Winter Warm Wave TV commercial.  This is the first time they put on Chinese opera costumes from head to toe. They were so excited to learn Chinese opera gestures and they really loved these new but classic images!

modern look
modern look

turn-of-the-century look
turn-of-the-century look
 everything is so new to them!
everything is so new to them!