Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤
The annual Walk with the Dragon will return to Lumbermen’s Arch of Stanley Park on Sunday, July 17, 2011. Fairchild Radio AM1470 & FM96.1 is a proud sponsor of this charitable event. Besides forming an energetic walking team, radio DJs as well as Sunshine Boyz & Girlz will bring you an unforgettable stage performance at 10a.m. Come down to Stanley Park and show your support by cheering them on!! Don’t forget to visit the Fairchild Media Group game booth and bring home lots of great prizes.
中僑百萬行於7月17日假士丹利公園林百文園舉行。加拿大中文電台AM1470 及FM96.1 全力參與並將組成陣容龐大的步行隊以愛心及行動支持。早上10時,一班DJs及Sunshine Boyz & Girlz 將於台上載歌載舞,共襄盛舉。新時代傳媒集團亦將設遊戲攤位,送出千多份精美禮品,人人有份,永不落空,歡迎你與家人朋友一起參與這個闔家歡的活動。
2011-06-26Little Sunshine 參賽人數破紀錄
2011-06-10Sunshine Girlz 麥美恩晉身Miss Hong Kong Pageant
2011-06-01盧玉鳳 巧遇Canucks Fans