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BC flood relief 新時代傳媒集團全力支持「加華心 ‧ 楓葉情」水災賑災

2021-12-23 (星期四)

BC flood relief 新時代傳媒集團全力支持「加華心 ‧ 楓葉情」水災賑災


新時代傳媒集團全力支持「加華心,楓葉情」水災賑災,籌款委員會主席方君學先生中華會館加拿大華人社團聯席會加拿大社區發展促進會廣東社團總會中僑互助會、各界善長仁翁及愛心團體呼籲大家為災民伸出援手,慷慨解囊,到加拿大紅十字會專屬網頁 (按此進入) 捐款 ,讓他們可以平安過度逆境,早日重建家園。

至 12 月 20 日,大約已累計籌得捐款四十餘萬元,聯邦政府省政府分別對賑災捐款實行 1 對 1 配對*,即民眾每捐款 $1,災區將獲得 $3。

*等額配捐至 12 月 26 日。

BC flood relief 新時代傳媒集團全力支持「加華心 ‧ 楓葉情」水災賑災

In response to the recent devastating BC flood crisis, leaders from the local Chinese community including Mr. Johnny Fong urge you to help flood victims by making a donation on the newly established Canadian Red Cross donation page (click here to enter). All eligible donations will be matched by the Federal and Provincial Government which means every $1 you donate will become $3 to support those impacted. Donations matched until Dec 26.

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