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[Poll 民意調查] Referendum on Electoral Reform - BC 省選舉制度改革公投 你會投票嗎?

2018-10-29 (星期一)

於 10 月 22 日至 11 月 30 日期間舉行的 BC 省選舉制度改革公投,會以郵寄方式進行,選民將要在現今沿用的「領先者當選制」和全新的「比例代表制」之間作出選擇。Elections BC 經已寄出選票,本省合資格的選民會在 11 月 2 日前收到投票文件,並須在 11 月 30 日下午 4:30pm 前將選票寄到 Elections BC 辦公室方算完成投票,逾時作廢。對今次的選舉制度改革公投,你會投票嗎?

British Columbians have an opportunity to decide whether B.C. should keep its current voting system (First-Past-the-Post) or move to a system of Proportional Representation. Qualified voters will receive their Referendum voting packages from Elections BC before November 2 . Are you going to vote and return the ballot before the deadline 4:30pm on November 30, 2018? Click the link below to tell us your inclination.

[Poll 民意調查] Referendum on Electoral Reform - BC 省選舉制度改革公投 你會投票嗎?

[Poll 民意調查] Referendum on Electoral Reform - BC 省選舉制度改革公投 你會投票嗎? [Poll 民意調查] Referendum on Electoral Reform - BC 省選舉制度改革公投 你會投票嗎?

「BC 省選舉制度改革公投」民意調查截止日期 : 10 月 31 日(星期三)。

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Steps to vote on Electoral Reform Referendum - 如何填寫 BC 省選制度改革公投選票?

BC 省選舉制度改革公投 選項特點一

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