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Fairchild Radio Wraps Up Autism Awareness Week with a Sea of Blue Balloons

2017-09-25 (星期一)

Fairchild Radio Wraps Up Autism Awareness Week with a Sea of Blue Balloons

For the second time, multicultural radio network Fairchild Radio Group, with local operations in Vancouver (AM1470 & FM961), Calgary (FM947) and Toronto (AM1430 & FM889), put the spotlight on the autism spectrum, a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects millions of people around the world.  From September 17 to 24, Fairchild Radio's "Autism Awareness Week" featured interactive forums with medical and psychological experts and interviews with parents and councilors of autistic children.  A charity sale was also organized in Vancouver to raise fund for Autism Speaks Canada

And to remind people that we are all for one to support people and families affected by the autism spectrum, the DJs and staff in all 3 cities wore blue for a day to commemorate this meaningful event.

加拿大中文電台「晴天行動 關懷自閉症兒童週」在 9 月 24 日圓滿結束,其實這個活動並非只在溫哥華舉行,在多倫多和卡加利的加拿大中文電台在 9 月 17 日至 24 日亦同時舉辦了「晴天行動」,為全國三大城巿的華語聽眾帶來難得的資訊,更多詳情請瀏覽各電台網頁。

Fairchild Radio’s "Autism Awareness Week" was once again partnered with Autism Speaks Canada, the the leading autism organization in Canada dedicated to raising money to support autism research, awareness, advocacy and family/community services.

Building on last year's experience, the news and programming teams at Fairchild Radio's regional offices invited experts to go on air, educating the stations' Chinese speaking listeners on autism spectrum disorders and the challenges many autistic people face on a day to day basis.

The panel of experts that was interviewed this year ranged from psychologists, behavior therapists, a retired grade school principal, a representative from BC’s Ministry of Children and Family Development as well as parents of autistic children.

Then on September 22 from noon to 4pm, Fairchild Radio’s Vancouver operation took advantage of its location in a busy mall to set up a booth selling fundraising items.  Within four hours, the radio station successfully raised over $2,265 to benefit Autism Speaks Canada and created a lot of buzz on the social media.

Autism is a less talked about neurodevelopmental disorder.  Many parents who have children with autism avoid talking about it, fearing their children will be labeled and stereotyped. But in reality, autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is very common, affecting people of all ethnic backgrounds around the world. According to the data of Autism Speaks, the U.S. headquarters of Autism Speaks Canada, 1 in every 68 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD and the number is on the rise.  In the past 40 years, the number has increased 10 times, and in the last 10 years alone, the number has doubled. 

Autism Speaks Canada 是美國 Autism Speaks 機構的加拿大分支,Autism Speaks 於 2005 年由 Suzanne and Bob Wright 夫婦所創立,他們的孫兒 Christian 患上自閉症,但當時社會大眾對這個疾病所知甚少,而且普遍存在嚴重歧視。Bob Wright 曾在美國的 General Electric 及 NBC 電視台任高職,他們夫婦運用人脈為自閉症家庭發聲。直至現在,Autism Speaks 已成功籌得 5 億美元用作研究、教育和推廣之上。每年的 4 月 2 日是「Light It Up Blue Day」,全球各地的地標都以藍色光線呼籲公眾關注自閉症。另外,Autism Speaks 每年在美加各大城市都舉辦步行籌款,今年溫哥華的步行籌款慶祝 10 週年,10 月 1 日(星期日)11am 在列治文的 Goodlife Fitness Family Autism Hub 舉行。

更多詳情請瀏覽以下 Autism Speaks Canada 網頁連結:


溫哥華步行籌款:Richmond/Vancouver Walk


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