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原來很多大家慣以為常的「養生」飯後習慣,如果在吃飯後一小時內進行是很傷身的。本台現正進行網上調查* ,看看大家的飯後習慣是否健康。調查於 2 月 25 日至 3 月 5 日在本台 facebook 上進行。截止日期:3 月 5 日(星期日) 10pm (溫哥華時間)。

3 月 7 日,我們將在加拿大中文電台網頁及 facebook 為大家分析多種飯後習慣的利與弊。

It is important to maintain a good lifestyle in order to keep your body fit and healthy. Do you know some of our habits should be done ideally at least an hour after meal, otherwise they might cause harm to our body? What do you usually do after eating?  

We are conducting a poll* on habits after meal on Fairchild Radio facebook now. Polling deadline: March 5 (Sun) @ 10pm (Vancouver time).  We will then have a follow up article about bad habits after eating on March 7.

* 本票選是在 facebook 上進行,如果你投票時尚未以自己的帳戶登入,facebook 可能需要你輸入資料。若成功投票,畫面會彈出「感謝您抽空參與票選」等字樣。 If you haven't logged in your facebook account when placing your vote, you might be asked to log-in. Your vote will only be counted when a message that says "Thank you for your participation" appears on screen.

* 每個 facebook 帳戶只能投票一次。Each facebook account can vote once only.