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Earth Month 搶先看!DJ 聽眾參觀列市回收中心

2016-04-29 (星期五)

Earth Month 搶先看!DJ 聽眾參觀列市回收中心

今天下午,加拿大中文電台帶同聽眾參觀位於列治文 5555 Lynas Lane 的列治文市政府回收中心(Richmond Recycling Depot),感謝市政府派出多位工作人員帶我們參觀各種物料的回收區,並解釋回收後的物料會如何循環再造。聽眾們踴躍發問,大家都獲益良多。最後,列治文市政府還向每位參觀者送上袖珍的 green cart 作為紀念品,提醒大家要支持環保,支持資源回收。


Earth Month 搶先看!DJ 聽眾參觀列市回收中心

Today Fairchild Radio organized a tour to visit the Richmond Recycling Depot.  Over 20 listeners who had applied for the tour and were lucky enough to be selected by lucky draw have joined us, touring the large site of Richmond's recycling and drop-off place.  A special thanks to Hala, Roy and Fernando from the City of Richmond. More photos and descriptions will be published on this website in a few days.

Earth Month 搶先看!DJ 聽眾參觀列市回收中心