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今天是 Halloween,亦是 Little Sunshine Halloween Special 2015 決賽的大日子,8 位進入決賽的 Little Sunshine 傾盡全力去角逐多個獎項。經過多個環節的比試後,結果由 #4 Nikolai 李梓明 (左)和 #5 Sandra 姚燕  (中)奪得 Little Sunshine Boyz 冠軍 和 Little Sunshine Girlz 冠軍寶座;  #3 Eric 孫彤彤 (右)則勇奪「才藝大獎」「至特別造型大獎」

更多 Little Sunshine Halloween Special 精華及圖片集,請留意 11 月 3 日的報導。

Little Sunshine Halloween Special 結果速報

What a  memorable Halloween for this 8 lovely Little Sunhine!  They showcased their special talent in front of a panel of professional judges and hundreds of audience at the Little Sunshine Halloween Special 2015 Finale. Congratulations to #4 Nikolai Dammholz (left) and #4 Sandra Yao (centre) who had won the Little Sunshine Boyz Chmapion and Little Sunshine Girlz Champion.  #3 Eric Sun (right) brought home the Talent Award and the Best Coustme Award

Next Tuesday, November 3, we will have a detailed coverage of  Little Sunshine Halloween Special.

Little Sunshine Halloween Special 結果速報

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