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Hot Topics 娛樂追蹤

今個長週末,最好玩、最有噱頭的一定是在溫哥華市中心舉行的台灣文化節加拿大中文電台獨家贊助了當中的「多元音樂 Music Route」從今天起,一連三天 ( 9月 5 日至 7 日, 11am - 7pm),加拿大中文電台於 Granville Street (Robson Street 及 West Georgia Street 中段) 設置遊戲攤位與衆同樂,多位 AM1470FM96.1 DJ 亦會於現場為大家打歌,中西日韓名曲,首首動聽!


Want to have a fun and memorable long weekend with your family? Come and visit our Fairchild Radio red booth (Sept 5 -711am -7pm) at the Taiwanfest. We have moved our studio on location to play songs. Not only you can chit-chat with our professional DJ, you can also win fabulous prizes! It is free, it is fun! Our booth is located at Granville Street (in between Robson Street and West Georgia Street) in downtown Vancouver.  See you there!


逛逛台灣文化節的多元音樂路線之際,不忘前來加拿大中文電台的紅色攤位,跟本台的 DJ say 聲 Hi,並且玩玩遊戲,贏取限量版的 USB 記憶棒、運動水樽及記事簿等豐富獎品吧!!
