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今天在麗晶廣場舉行的「最愛媽咪溫馨 Show」FM961 DJ Jennie(下圖左)產後極速修身,和同樣也是在今年初為人母的朋友 Jenny 在台上大跳 hip hop 舞,熱力四射令人驚艷,可見今時今日的媽媽一點不土,反而漂亮性感兼充滿女人味。

更多「最愛媽咪溫馨 Show」的精彩圖片將於日內於本網頁刊出,敬請留意。

FM961 DJ Jennie (left) gave birth to a beautiful son just a few months ago. Not only has she lost all her prenancy weight, she reemerged prettier and happier. During our Mother's Day Show at Crystal Mall this afternoon, she and her friend, named Jenny and also a new mom, danced a sexy tune on stage, proofing that today's mothers are beautiful inside and out.

Mother's Day 搶先看 電台辣媽產後初踏舞台